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Language acquisition Spanish I


Admission requirements

Be enrolled in a bachelor's program at Leiden or another Dutch university.

Please note: This course is part of the Minor Latin American Studies and the Minor Second Language Acquisition. Minor students can register for the course until August 1 and have priority over other students. If there are remaining places, other students may register from August 1. If other students register before August 1, this registration is invalid.


This is the first of two language skills courses in Spanish as part of the Minor in Latin American Studies. It is a communicative Spanish language skills course that integrates all skills (reading, writing, listening, spoken production and spoken interaction), including grammar and vocabulary.

The course follows the criteria of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The seminars are designed according to the action approach and the skills belonging to level A2. During the seminars, all topics will be discussed through written and oral texts, video or audio fragments and role plays. Students work individually, in pairs or small groups. An active attitude of students towards the preparation and participation during the seminars is crucial to meet the learning outcomes of the course.

Course Objectives

This course covers the key skills of listening, speaking (oral expression and interaction), reading and writing. By the end of the course, students will have achieved the A2 level in the mentioned skills based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

  • Commitment (dedication, motivation, proactive attitude, own initiative.

  • Self-regulation (independence, insight into one's own goals, motives and capabilities)

  • Oral communication (presenting, speaking skills, listening)

  • Written communication (writing skills, reporting, structuring, summarizing)

  • Collaboration (teamwork, support, loyalty, keeping agreements, presence)

  • Flexibility (dealing with changes, eagerness to learn, adaptability)

  • Integrity (honesty, morality, ethical conduct, personal values)

  • Intercultural skills (communication with different cultures)


The timetables are available through My Timetable.

Mode of instruction

Seminar and independent literature study

Assessment Method


  • Written examination with closed questions (eg multiple choice)

  • Written examination with short open questions

  • Oral examination


The final grade is the result of the weight of the following elements:

Written exams: Partial exam: 40% and final exam: 40%
Oral exam: 20%
Oral exam consists of two parts: question-and-answer/interview type and the interaction about specific situations with another student or the teacher.
Written exams (Midterm and Final exam) consist of three parts:
Grammar and vocabulary
To write

If the final grade is 5.4 or less, the student must take the corresponding resit. The final grade for the course is determined by determining the weighted average based on partial marks. Sufficient with a 6.


The final mark for the course is established by determining the weighted average. To pass the course, the weighted average of the partial grades must be 5.5 or higher. Retake Resit: Written exams and eventually oral exam: counts for 100% of the grade.

Inspection and feedback

No later than when the results of the exam are announced, it will be indicated how and at what time the debriefing of the exam will take place. In any case, a debriefing will be organized if a student requests this within 30 days after announcement of the results.

Reading List

  • Gente hoy 1. Libro del alumno. Ed. Difusión.

  • Gente hoy 1. Libro de trabajo. Ed. Difusión.

  • Grammatica kort en bondig Spaans. Y. Mateos Ortega. Uitg. Intertaal

  • Gramática básica del estudiante de español. Rosario Alonso Raya,, Alejandro Castañeda Castro, Pablo Martínez Gila. Editorial Difusión


Enrolment through MyStudyMap is mandatory.

General information about course and exam enrolment is available on the [website](


  • For substantive questions, contact the lecturer listed in the right information bar.

  • For questions about enrolment, admission, etc, contact the Education Administration Office Reuvensplaats.