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Lijn Academische en Wetenschappelijke Vorming jaar 2


Admission requirements


Academic and scientific training involves the development of a critical attitude coupled with tempered enthusiasm. This involves learning to look beyond the boundaries of the professional field. It also involves both the application of science and the communication of research findings. An academic is capable of acquiring scientific knowledge, evaluating that knowledge, assimilating it, and communicating that knowledge to others.

In the line Academic Scientific Training, a broad spectrum of skills are developed including: scientific writing and presentation skills in English, orientating on and applying for internship/research positions abroad, communication with peers and patients in English, ethical discussion with peers in English, and learning to carry out a literature review. Becoming proficient in these skills requires practice. Therefore, each module contains activities to develop both academic and scientific skills. Examples of these activities are debating, giving a presentation in a workgroup, and analyzing and interpreting the results of an academic report.

In the module Academic and Scientific Training in year 2, students learn the most important methods of clinical scientific research, statistical analysis, and critical reading. The module represents 40% of the final grade for the line.

Course objectives

  1. The student knows the advantages and disadvantages of the basic study designs (cohort study, case-control study, randomised trial);
  2. The student can perform and interpret basic statistical and epidemiology analyses;
  3. The student can design an epidemiological research project;
  4. The student can calculate measures of diagnostic value of a diagnostic test;
  5. The student is familiar with decision trees and the concept of treatment threshold;
  6. The student can apply results from the medical literature to a clinical case;
  7. The student can ask critical and relevant questions when reading scientific medical literature and can suggest answers to these questions when possible;
  8. The student can discuss medical literature with peers;
  9. The student is able to reach a sensible and objective point of view in questions of scientific integrity.


All course and group schedules are published on MyTimeTable.

The exam dates have been determined by the Education Board and are published in MyTimeTable.
It will be announced in MyTimeTable and/or Brightspace when and how the post-exam feedback will be organized.

Mode of instruction

Lectures, work groups, practicals, symposium, self-study assignments.

Assessment method

Written reports, essays, presentations and exam and assignments.

The exam dates can be found on the schedule website.

Reading list

For the complete reading list for the bachelor of Medicine, see the Study Materials List GNK 2024-2025.


Students are required to register for exams through uSis. The registration for a working group is done by handing in your study plan.


dr. B. Siegerink (line coordinator)
