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Translational Neuroscience


Admission requirements

See Brightspace for the admission requirements.

International Students should have an adequate background in Medicine. Admission will be considered based on CV and motivation letter.
For more information, please contact


During this course, state of the art knowledge on the clinic and pathophysiology of various diseases of brain, mind and muscle is highlighted and we will discuss how to translate clinical problems into adequate neurobiological research models and how to translate findings from basic research into clinical practice. The first five weeks focus on diseases of muscle and peripheral nerve systems, such as myasthenia, Huntington disease and Duchenne. These weeks introduce essential mechanisms and approaches in translational neuroscience. The second five weeks focus on more complex diseases of the central nervous system (like migraine and depression) and factors influencing the homeostasis of the brain, such as neuroendocrine status, stress and circadian rhythms. See also the website of the LUMC for the Neuroscience theme for innovation.

Course objectives

  • Recognise and diagnose episodic brain disorders and neurological movement disorders

  • Translate clinical problems in disorders of circadian rhythms, depression/anxiety, vision and hearing, migraine and nerve and muscle diseases into adequate (animal) models

  • Translate fundamental findings in (animal) model research into clinical research and applications in psychiatric and neurological (movement) disorders

  • Based on clinical and pre-clinical translation research in neuroscience evaluate potential new therapeutic possibilities in psychiatric and neurological (movement) disorders

  • Interpret basic mechanisms and techniques in translational neuroscience

  • Critically evaluate and appraise research findings in translational neuroscience

  • In collaboration with other minor students formulate and communicate innovative research proposals tackling fundamental questions in translational neuroscience


All course and group schedules are published on MyTimeTable.

The exam dates have been determined by the Education Board and are published in MyTimeTable.
It will be announced in MyTimeTable and/or Brightspace when and how the post-exam feedback will be organized.

Mode of instruction

Lectures, workgroups, patient demonstrations, practicals, laboratory visits, symposia, self-study assignments, student presentations.

Assessment method

Normative assessments:

  • Critical appraisal of paper: 20% (10 oral + 10 written)

  • Research proposal: 20% (10 oral + 10 written)

  • Weekly exams: 60%

Formative (Pass/Not Pass) assessments: Oral presentations and discussions in individual weeks

Examination committee:
Dr. R. Fronczek, Dr. J. Plomp, Dr. E. Tolner, Prof. dr. N.J.A. van der Wee

Examination dates + debriefing date:
The exam dates can be found on MyTimeTable.

Attendance: You need to attend all patient demonstrations, work groups, excursions and practicals. If you have been absent without permission twice or more, the coordinator of the specific week will give you an assignment that you will have to pass before you get your grade for that week.

Reading list

For the complete reading list for the bachelor of Medicine, see the Study Materials List GNK 2024-2025.


Information about the registration process can be found on the Brightspace course Half Minors.


Ms. Ingrid Kanbier

Prof. dr. N.J.A. van der Wee
