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Research and evidence (Educational line)


Admission requirements

Bachelor degree and admission to Master Health, Ageing and Society.


The ability to interpret results of research, to critically appraise scientific articles, to define a valid research question and to design and perform a scientific study is a necessary academic skill. The line Research and Evidence is designed to help the students prepare for writing their research application and performing their scientific internship, from searching systematically for scientific information, critical appraisal of the literature, formulating a valid research question, designing and executing their own study, and performing the data-analyses themselves.

In this educational line, students learn the principles and techniques of different types of research, including biomedical research, epidemiological research and behavioural research. The students will learn the principles of quantitative and qualitative methods and they will apply these principles on various research questions. The students will learn to interpret study results and to define new valid research questions. The students will be able to design and write scientific research plans and to peer review the study designs of fellow students and researchers.

The course consists of some integrated lectures with the modules of the programme, a course about quantitative research methods, a course about qualitative research methods and a quantitative or qualitative e-learning (advanced course of choice). The final product of this course is a presentation about your written thesis plan, as preparation for the internship.

Course objectives

The student:

  • is able to review international scientific literature

  • is able to define a valid research question

  • is able to apply the principles of epidemiological and qualitative research to various research questions in the field of health, ageing and society

  • is able to explain various types of clinical epidemiological study designs

  • is able to perform frequently encountered (basic) statistical analyses for clinical epidemiological studies

  • is able to show insights in the background and premises of qualitative research

  • is able to design and perform a qualitative study and present the results to peers

  • is able to draw up a scientific hypothesis, and design and write a scientifically sound research plan


All course and group schedules are published on MyTimeTable.

Mode of instruction

Lectures, working groups, activities, self-study, (practical) assignments, e-learning.

This educational line is integrated in the modules of the programme Health, Ageing and Society.

Assessment method

  • Scientific essay

  • Oral presentations (individually and in groups)

  • Presentation thesis plan

  • Completion of compulsory assignments described in the assessment plan

The final grade is based on the scientific essay (20%), group presentation about quantitative research methods (20%), group presentation about qualitative research methods (20%), and presentation of the thesis plan (40%). Credits will only be given if all compulsory assessments are completed. The scientific essay will also be assessed separately by Biology of vitality and ageing and Society and Communication in Science. Students are expected to be actively engaged in discussion of the content and in the activities scheduled in the programme.

If an assessment or mandatory part of the course is not passed or completed, the student will get a retake or revision or has to fulfil an alternative assignment.

Reading list

Will be published on Brightspace.


All students will be automatically enrolled for workgroups and exams.


Dr. Stella Trompet, email:
