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Tutoring for the First Year CADS


Admission Requirements

This course is accessible only to first year students of the CADS bachelor’s programme.

N.B. Tutoring for the First Year CADS is an additional requirement to obtain a positive BSA in the first year. The teachers of this course will keep track of whether the attendance requirement is met for all tutorials and whether all assignments have been carried out correctly.

Language of Instruction

For the tutoring groups the language of instruction will be the same as the language chosen for the other tutorials.

Course Description

The first year’s Tutoring programme is part of the Tutoring and Career Orientation programme (PPP / MMM) that runs throughout the bachelor’s programme.

In the first year Tutoring programme the focus lies on preparing you to become a fully-fledged academic: familiarising yourself with the university, practising study skills and taking responsibility for your own personal and professional development. The following questions and topics are central to the Tutoring programme in the first year:

  • Familiarising yourself with the university and the CADS bachelor’s programme: What is expected of you as a student? What can you expect from the bachelor's programme? Whom should you contact in case of questions or problems?

  • Study skills: How do you study? What do you find difficult? What are you good at? Which skills do you have to develop more?

  • Reflection on study choice and motivation: Why do you want to study anthropology? What appeals to you about it? What do you want to get out of your studies?

  • Orientation on options within the study programme: Which region do you want to learn more about? Which themes do you find interesting? Do you want to do an internship or study abroad?

  • Orientation on bachelor’s two specialisations: People Planet Power and Media Making Movements. Which options do you have? What are the differences and points of overlap? And how do you make a decision that resonates with your values and interests?

  • Orientation on the labour market: What is the value of anthropology on the labour market? Where do anthropologists work? How do you envision your future career? What can you offer an employer? How do you present yourself to the labour market?

Course Objectives

The objectives of the Tutoring programme in the first year:

  • you will be able to take responsibility for your own personal and professional development;

  • you will be able to find your way within the university;

  • you will have familiarised yourself with the CADS bachelor's programme;

  • you have gained and practised study skills, such as reading, understanding and summarising academic texts; working in teams; oral and written communication; preparing and taking exams, and time management;

  • you will be able to reflect on your study skills, competencies and challenges;

  • you will be able to make conscious study choices that are in line with your personal competencies and wishes;

  • you will be able to gain insight into the connections between the knowledge, skills and experiences you gain from the bachelor’s programme and the possibilities and wishes you have for your future professional career;

  • you will have familiarised yourself with the labour market for anthropologists.

Mode of Instruction

One- or two-hour mandatory tutorials spread throughout the year, including preparatory and in-class assignments. Individual meetings with your tutor.

Running parallel with the Tutoring programme is the Peer Mentor programme: through frequent meetings with senior students, you will get to know your fellow students and student life.

In addition, you can use the POPcorner and Career Service FSW for further study and career support and extra-curricular activities.

Keep an eye on the workshops and events calendar, the LU Career Service, FSW Career Service and CADS Facebook page and announcements in Brightspace.


Dates and room numbers can be found on the website.

Assessment Method

The Tutoring programme is not assessed and no credits are awarded. However, attendance at all tutorials is mandatory and all preparatory and in-class assignments must be executed properly.


All first year bachelor students will be automatically enrolled for this course by the SSC.


Brightspace is the digital learning environment of Leiden University. Brightspace gives access to course announcements, electronic study materials and assignments.

Students are advised to check Brightspace daily to remain informed about changes or updates made to rooms, schedules, deadlines, and details of assignments. The tutors assume that all students are up to date with the information shared on Brightspace.

Please log in with your ULCN-account and personal password. Once logged in, you will see an overview of the courses you are enrolled in.

For access to your courses in Brightspace you must be registered in My Studymap for those courses.

Check the Brightspace support website for more information.

Study Material

For this course you are encouraged to purchase the following book. This book will be used throughout your degree and is a mandatory reading in second- and third-year courses. Either choose the Dutch or English edition:

  • Bakker, L., M. Cohen & W. Faaij (2020) Antropoloog Gezocht Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press.

  • Bakker, L., M. Cohen & W. Faaij (2021) Anthropologists Wanted: Why Organizations Need Anthropology Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press.

Information about additional study materials and assignments will be provided through Brightspace and in the tutorials.


Dr. S.R.J.J. Hölsgens