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Statistics 2 - Applied Quantitative Analysis



The Statistics II course builds on Statistics I by introducing more advanced methods to empirically investigate important topics within Political Science. The course focuses on linear and logistic regression analyses with which one can use multiple variables to predict/explain an outcome variable. Students learn to perform these analyses using statistical software and gain familiarity with both survey data (e.g., voting behavior) and country-level data (e.g., democracy scores).

Course objectives

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Students can interpret the mathematical principles of linear and logistic regression models

  • Students can correctly interpret the results of linear and logistic regression models

  • Students can perform these analyses using statistical software

Mode of instruction

The course consists of weekly lectures and seminars. The lectures introduce statistical analyses while students practice this material and learn to use statistical software in the seminar sessions. The weekly program will be announced on Brightspace in due course.

Assessment method

The final course grade is a weighted average of the following:

  • Participation: 10%

  • Assignments: 20%

  • Written final exam: 70%

Details about the assessment will be announced on Brightspace before the start of the course.
Students must register for the final written exam. They must obtain a mark of at least a 5.0 on this exam to pass the course. Students with a failing grade can resit the written final exam in January; the other grade items cannot be retaken. The time and location for the inspection and discussion of the exam will be announced via Brightspace no later than the publication of the grades.

Reading list

Diez, David M., Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel & Christopher D. Barr (2019) OpenIntro Statistics, 4th edition and additional texts to be posted on Brightspace.
The used statistical software programs R and RStudio Desktop can be downloaded for free. R and RStudio Desktop are already installed on the computers in the Pieter de la Court and Wijnhaven buildings.


See 'Practical Information'

Timetable - courses and exams

See 'MyTimetable'