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Thesis Seminar Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Development - Spring 2025



Students choose (one of) the thesis seminar(s) offered within their specialisation. It is strongly recommended that students start thinking about the topic of their thesis before the start of the classes. Attendance is compulsory for all classes. Detailed information about the study material and the writing process can be found on Brightspace.

Course Objectives

Objective 1. To deepen the understanding of theories and methods related to research on the theme of the Master Specialisation.
Objective 2. Applying them to a specific topic as part of the student’s Master thesis project.

General Introduction Meeting

See 'Information and Deadlines' for the time and date of the introduction meeting.

Thesis Seminar Theme:

Theme 101: Ethnic Diversity and Political Institutions (dr. M. Spirova)
The thesis seminar aims to help students write theses on a topic related to ethnic diversity and political institutions broadly defined. Ethnic diversity and representative democracy often come at clash with each other and the representation of the interests of (minority) groups is a common challenge for contemporary democracies. The seminar welcomes projects aimed at the explanation of particular political outcomes in that area using a variety of methods. Topics might include the representation of ethnic groups, ethnic voting and ethnic parties, electoral system design and diversity, governmental set-up and representation of minorities, and multi-level governance and ethnicity. The focus of the seminar is broadly defined to allow students who are interested in diversity and institutions to benefit from working together on their projects. It will not provide substantive instruction, but will build upon the one provided in the NECD core seminar. The thesis seminar will focus on methodological instruction to support the completion of coherent thesis proposals and MSc theses.

Theme 102: Identity Politics and Migration (dr. M. Burmeister Rudolph)
This thesis seminar on Identity Politics and Migration aims to support students throughout the process of writing a master’s thesis within these interconnected fields. It provides guidance on the various steps needed to develop a coherent and systematic research proposal, ensuring the successful completion of the final thesis. The seminar covers issues broadly related to identity politics, such as the intersections between ethnicity and nationalism, nationhood and statehood, citizenship and identity, colonialism and nation-building, and the dynamics of migration. How do nationalism and ethnic conflict relate? What are strategies that states use to accommodate (ethnic) minorities? What is the role of non-state actors, such as migrants, in ethnic conflicts? How is nationalism used to create categories of inclusion and exclusion? Specific topics might include everyday nationalism and ethno-popularism, the effect of economic and social crises on the rise of nationalism, the transnationalisation of conflicts through diasporas, identity-led regional independence movements (e.g., Catalonia (Spain); Punjab (India), Maluku (Indonesia), ethnic federalism and redistribution of resources. Students participating in this seminar are encouraged to define their own focus—regional, theoretical, or thematic—within these broadly outlined areas. They will refine their focus into a research proposal, ultimately leading to an MSc thesis. The seminar emphasizes qualitative research methods.

Additional Information

Please note that for some seminars there will be no additional substantive readings than the ones discussed in the courses they build on.


See 'Information and Deadlines'


Research Proposal
The research proposal includes a problem statement, theoretical foundation, conceptualization as well as a sound explanation of the methods and techniques for data collection and analysis.The proposal must be approved by the supervisor and a second reader. The second reader will be designated by the Director of Studies. Please note that teachers are not obliged to provide thesis supervision if the proposal is not approved.

Master Thesis

The MSc thesis needs to comply with high standards of academic research. The thesis must be between 8.000 and 10.000 words, including tables, footnotes and bibliography. The thesis evaluation form with the evaluation criteria will be published on Brightspace.
Students that drop or fail the course have to retake the complete thesis seminar (in the 2nd semester of the next academic year). Students should contact the Exam Committee if they are unable to complete the master thesis by the deadline due to circumstances beyond their control.


See 'MyTimetable'