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Experimental Phonetics (BA)


Course description is subject to change

Admission requirements

Basic knowledge of phonetics and phonology is assumed.


In this course, we will take an experimental approach to the study of speech. We will learn the fundamental processes/mechanisms of speech production and perception, couched within a general understanding of the articulatory and auditory systems. Our primary focus will be on the acoustic properties of speech segments and the phonetics of suprasegmental prosody (i.e., lexical tones, stress patterns, rhythm, phrasing, and sentence melody). Another critical component of the course will be practical skills in the instrumental analysis of speech production and perception. Students will apply what they have learned to analyzing and describing sounds of the world’s languages during the practical sessions. In addition, they will gain experience in presenting experimental results as a scientific report.

Course objectives

After taking this class, students will acquire knowledge and insight into:

  • The processes of human speech communication.

  • The relationship between linguistic structures and speech sounds.

  • The structure and dynamics of the human speech organs and hearing mechanisms.

They will also learn:

  • To explain how speech is produced and how we can measure and quantify speech;

  • To hone their practical skills by analyzing speech in PRAAT

  • To formulate a linguistically inspired research question and address the question via instrumental speech analysis.

  • To analyze sounds of the world’s languages and report their findings.


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Mode of instruction

Lectures and practical sessions.

Assessment method

  1. In-class participation and homework (20%)
  2. Final exam (45%)
  3. Final group project and report (35%)

As part of the academic writing line within the track Language and Cognition, students are required to hand in a writing assignment, that will be evaluated on a pass/fail basis. Passing the writing assignment is required to pass the course.


A subset of the assignments can be arranged for a resit.

Exam review

How and when an exam review will take place will be disclosed together with the publication of the exam results at the latest. If a student requests a review within 30 days after publication of the exam results, an exam review will have to be organized.

Inspection and feedback

How and when an exam review will take place will be disclosed together with the publication of the exam results at the latest. If a student requests a review within 30 days after publication of the exam results, an exam review will have to be organized.

Reading list

A. A. Zsiga, E. C. (2013). The Sounds of Language: An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology. Wiley-Blackwell.

B. C. M. Rietveld & V. J. van Heuven: Algemene Fonetiek, derde aangevulde druk, Coutinho, Bussum 2009 or more recent versions


Enrolment through My Studymap is mandatory


For substantive questions, contact the lecturer listed in the right information bar

For questions related to the content of the course, please contact the lecturer, you can find their contact information by clicking on their name in the sidebar.

For questions regarding enrollment please contact the Education Administration Office Reuvensplaats E-mail address Education Administration Office Reuvensplaats:

For questions regarding your studyprogress contact the Coordinator of Studies
