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Methods of Cultural Analysis and Critical Readings


Admission requirements

Students should have a Spanish language proficiency of C1 or C2 (according to the Common European Framework). Students with a proficiency level of Portuguese and a passive level of Spanish (reading and understanding) are also very welcome.


This theoretical and practical course offers master's students the necessary tools for the design and development of an individual research project on a specific object, discourse or cultural practice in the Latin American context. Through a thematic and methodological orientation, some of the interdisciplinary techniques and methods most used in cultural analysis are presented, such as discourse analysis, close reading, visual methods, interviews, among others. Parallel to the exploration of these methodological approaches, students outline their own research project and a preliminary ‘state of the art’ that will later form the basis of the fieldwork stage in Latin America and the writing of the thesis. To this end, specific tools are provided related to how to do a bibliographic search and critical evaluation of the literature found in relation to the topic and research question.

Student projects can address various cultural manifestations that include, but are not limited to, literary texts of various genres, filmic texts, television, pictorial and musical texts in various formats, as well as performative arts or the multiple manifestations of Latin American popular culture. . Projects from other years have addressed, for example, feminist street art in Mexico, artivism and digital media in Cuba, historical representations of the enslaved subject in Puerto Rico, politics of memory in Argentine post-dictatorial cinema, the ‘cacerolazo’ and music as a form of protest in Chile, gender and domestic work in contemporary Brazilian cinema, literary representations of migration in Peruvian short stories, among others.

Course Objectives

  1. To understand the methods and techniques necessary for the elaboration of a qualitative research project and cultural analysis.
  2. To acquire critical and analytical skills through critical reading and close readings of a wide range of texts (both written and visual).
  3. To obtain knowledge of a variety of critical approaches within the field of cultural analysis.
  4. To know how to define a specific object of research, formulate a question and present a state of the art.
  5. To Identify the specificity of the Latin American context as a region of interdisciplinary study and acquire knowledge of strategies and methodologies for fieldwork.
  6. To know how to design, present, and develop a coherent research project and outline the design of a plan for fieldwork.


My Timetable

Mode of Instruction

Lectures and seminars.

Assessment method


Final grade is calculated the following way:
Assignments 40%
Preliminary State of the Art 20%
Final project: 40%


If the final research project grade is lower than 6.0, there is a possibility of ‘retaking’ the final research project. The student must prepare an improved version of the research project incorporating the lecturer’s comments. The deadline for resubmission is 10 working days after receiving the grade for the project.

Inspection and feedback

Feedback-session to be programmed by lecturer

Reading list

Preliminary Bibliography:
Booth, Wayne, et. al. The Craft of Research. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2007.

Ching, Erik et al. Reframing Latin America: A Cultural Theory Reading of Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Houston: University of Texas Press, 2007.

Colombi, Beatriz (ed). Diccionario de términos críticos de la literatura y la cultura de América Latina. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2021.

Del Sarto, Ana, Alicia Ríos, Abril Trigo. The Latin American Cultural Studies Reader. Durham: Duke University Press, 2004.

Szurmuk, Mónica, and Robert McKee Irwin. Dictionary of Latin American Cultural Studies. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2012.

** A list with the required and suggested readings for each session will be provided in the first session of the course.


Enrolment through My Studymap is mandatory.

Registration Studeren à la carte and Contractonderwijs

Not applicable.


  • For substantive questions, contact the lecturer listed in the right information bar.

  • For questions about enrolment, admission, etc, contact the Education Administration Office: Reuvensplaats
