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MA Thesis Religious Studies


Admission requirements

Only students who are enrolled in the MA Religious Studies are eligible for the Thesis Religious Studies.

The MA Thesis Religious Studies can only be submitted upon the successful completion of the MA Thesis Seminar and Job Market Orientation course.

To write a MA thesis in the spring semester, students must be simultaneously enrolled in the Thesis Seminar and Job Market Orientation (Religious Studies). To write a MA thesis in the fall semester, students must have successfully completed the respective seminar in the spring semester before writing their thesis.


All master students write a master thesis of 15 EC. This thesis amounts to max. 15.000 words, excluding footnotes and bibliography. The master thesis is written in English, unless the supervisor and the Board of Examiners approve of the use of another language (which may include Dutch). In all languages, correct use of grammar and style is expected from the student.

Students make their preferred choice of topic and supervisor known to the instructor of the MA Thesis Seminar in the Fall semester. The instructor of the MA Thesis Seminar may advise a change of topic and/or supervisor, and sees to it that the requests of all students are presented to the Board of Examiners. The Board of Examiners formally appoint a supervisor and a second reader for each thesis. If the preferred supervisor is not available, the Board of Examiners may appoint another supervisor.

Further instructions about the MA thesis are offered in the course MA Thesis Seminar and Job Market Orientation.

See also the Student Guidelines for writing BA and MA Theses Religious Studies, that wil be distributed in the MA Thesis Seminar and Job Market Orientation, or send an email to

Course objectives

Knowledge, insight, and content-bound skills

After successfully completing the MA Thesis and the MA Thesis Seminar,

  • students have gained a solid overview of a self-chosen topic of considerable scope within the study of religion; and

  • students have demonstrated their ability to formulate a research problem regarding the chosen topic, to set up a research design employing the most suitable methods and theories from the study-of-religion toolbox, and to carry out and report on their research according to the standards of the study of religion.

Transferable skills

After successfully completing the MA Thesis and the MA Thesis Seminar,

  • students have demonstrated their ability to integrate knowledge and handle complexity, to draw conclusions concerning the reliability of information provided by available sources, and to offer suggestions for further research;

  • students have demonstrated their ability to communicate conclusions of their research, as well as the knowledge and rational underpinning of these conclusions, clearly and unambiguously, in written, academic English;

  • students have refined their research skills, including their skills at formulating an independent research problem, at locating both primary and secondary sources, and at identifying the most suitable methods and theories to tackle the problem at hand;

  • students have demonstrated their ability to work independently and disciplined on an individual research project of considerable size and bringing it to a successful conclusion within a set time limit; and

  • students have refined their skills at responding constructively to feedback from their supervisor.


The timetables are available through My Timetable.

Mode of Instruction

Individual supervision.

Assessment method

In the Case that the BA or MA Thesis is not Completed During the Appointed Semester

  • To write a MA thesis in the fall semester, students must have successfully completed the respective seminar in the spring semester before writing their thesis.

  • Students who do not complete their thesis within one semester must again apply for a supervisor to the Board of Examiners. Students can ask to continue with the same supervisor, but if that supervisor is not available, the Board of Examiners will appoint a different supervisor.

  • Students who do not complete their thesis within one year must start over with a new track, including a new supervisor and new subject.


In case of a resit, contact the Board of Examiners for a new deadline.

Reading list

Will be made avalaible on Brightspace.


Not applicable


  • For substantive questions, contact the lecturer listed in the right information bar.

  • For questions about enrolment, admission, etc, contact the Education Administration Office Herta Mohr


Students are expected to be familiar with Leiden University policies on plagiarism and academic integrity. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If you submit any work with your name affixed to it, it is assumed to be your own work with all sources used properly indicated and documented in the text (with quotations and/or citations).