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Research in Science Communication


Admission Requirements

Research in Science Communication is a 13-week course which is part of the Science Communication and Society specialisation. The course is open to MSc students from the Faculty of Science and to MSc students in the Biomedical Sciences programme of LUMC. Other students who are interested in following this course, should contact their own study advisor for permission.

NOTE: There is a limited amount of spots available for students who want to follow this course as an elective course and who are not following the SCS specialisation. Make sure to register in time to secure a spot in the course.
Please apply for this course through this registration form.


Research in Science Communication gives students an introduction to science communication as a research field. You will learn about different research paradigms, will practice how to use communication theory to formulate research questions and will get an introduction to research methods such as interviewing, content analysis and surveys. The main focus will be on how to do science communication research. We will study good examples in the science communication literature and you will do a small literature review in this field.

Course Objectives

After completion of Research in Science Communication students are able to:

  • Describe various research paradigms.

  • Search, read and evaluate science communication literature.

  • Understand how and when to apply various (science) communication research methods.

  • Explain how to handle data and ethics.

  • Interpret results from science communication research.

  • Design a science communication research set-up.


Preliminary schedule: Classes will take place on Monday afternoon 13:15 – 16:00h from September 4th – November 21st, 2024, with an exception for the first class which will be on Tuesday September 3rd from 13:15 – 16:00h. Room schedule will follow. The exam will be on Monday November 25th from 13:15 – 16:00h.

Mode of Instruction

Lectures, in-class activities, self-study

Assessment Method

Throughout the course you will make a literature review and do an assignment on coding. The course will be finalized with an exam.

Reading List

Students should purchase or rent the following (e)book before the start of the course:

Stephen M. Croucher and Daniel Cronn-Mills - Understanding Communication Research Methods Third Edition, Routledge (2021)


Please apply for this course through this registration form. You also need to register via MyStudyMap (uSis).


For any information regarding this course or the SCS specialisation in general you can contact our department through:

