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Gender, Race, Intersectionality and Law



Admitted to Honours College Law.


Until now, systematic discussions of gender, race and law have received little attention from Dutch law faculties, especially at the undergraduate teaching level. At the same time, public calls for discussion of these issues increases all the time. The internet has enabled movements against gender-based harassment (#MeToo) and race-based police brutality (#BlackLivesMatter and #SayHerName) to the connect on an international scale, while local organizers have continued to call attention to what makes each of these movements unique to a given place. Legal instruments against unequal treatment based on race or gender have existed for decades at both the national and international level, but don’t seem to be sufficient or adequate to address continuing inequalities.

This HC Law course provides students the opportunity to explore some of the histories, theories and challenges of seeking equal justice under the law. Concrete examples will focus on gender and race, but discussions and tools will encourage expansive interpretation and allow us to explore the intersections between various aspects of individual identity, national and international legal institutions, politics and law.


At the end of this course, students will be able to
1) identify and explain the key theoretical aspects of interaction between gender, race, and law & intersectionality
2) identify and critically evaluate inequality embedded in legal systems, and simultaneously, the role of law in addressing inequalities
3) conduct research on specific case studies on a related topic of their interest
4) work effectively and creatively on research projects, present their case studies in the classroom, and thereby contribute to the academic debate
5) reflect on their learning process and address questions to be further explored in their academic pathway


The first four weeks of this course consists of eight interactive sessions of 2 hours.

In these meetings, we will discuss the following subjects/questions:

  • Week 1: What is law? Expansive definitions of law - Monday September 2 and Wednesday September 4, 17:15-19:00 hrs

  • Week 2: What is inequality? How feminist legal studies have addressed it - Monday September 9 and Wednesday September 11, 17:15-19:00 hrs

  • Week 3: What is intersectionality? Identity, positionality, and research method - Monday September 16 and Wednesday September 18, 17:15-19:00 hrs

  • Week 4: What is inequality? How critical race theories have addressed it - Monday September 23 and Wednesday September 25, 17:15-19:00 hrs

Weeks 1-4 will feature more traditional classes with reading materials, interactive lecture and discussions.

The second half of the course will be mainly dedicated to students’ individual research projects and consists of three sessions:

  • Week 5: Data collection - Monday September 30, 17:15-19:00 hrs

  • Week 6: Data analysis - Monday October 6, 17:15-19:00 hrs

  • Week 7: Presentation, discussion & reflection - Monday, October 13, 17:15-20:00 hrs

During weeks 5-7 we will meet together once a week to discuss your projects, what challenges you are facing and to give and receive feedback.

Of course, attendance is mandatory and students are expected to prepare well and participate actively in the meetings. As with all courses of HC Law. This is partly due to the character and structure of HC Law and its courses, which therefore also have the status of ‘practical exercises’.


Evaluation forms:

  • Short written assignments (reading responses)

  • Research project

The pass/fail method is used for this course, no grade is awarded to students. During the course, students receive feedback on each assignment.


More information on this course will be offered on Brightspace.


The list of literature can be found in the syllabus, which will be available on Brightspace.


Via the administration of Honours College Law: in the manner indicated in the Cohort Brightspace page.

Minimum en maximum aantal deelnemers



Coordinator: dr. Hoko Horii
Work address: KOG
Contact information: by appointment via email - only for subtantial questions. When it concerns administrative issues, please contact the HC Law coordinators via []

Institute: Metajuridica
Department: Van Vollenhoven Institute