- Researching
Acquiring knowledge by systematically and methodically inquiring into a situation or concept, making use of methods appropriate to the academic field or discipline.
- Analysing
Analysing situations or information and deciding what is of major and lesser importance. Seeing interrelationships and getting to the core of the matter.
- Generating solutions
Formulating new concepts, conceptual frameworks or models based on complex information and issues.
- Project-based working
Achieving a result by effectively and systematically utilising and overseeing activities, time and resources.
- Written communication
Setting out ideas and information clearly in writing, taking account of the relevant target group and in such a way that the message is received and understood.
- Societal awareness
Being well-informed about societal, political and discipline-related developments and being aware of own role and influence within these developments.
- Reflecting
Critically evaluating own and others’ behaviour, viewpoints or methods, and being open to evaluation by others. Being able to learn from these evaluations by changing own behaviour, viewpoints or methods.
- Independent learning
Self-directing own process of absorbing and applying new knowledge and information.
- Resilience
The ability to continue performing effectively in changing and challenging circumstances; to cope with setbacks and recover from them.