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How to Valorise a Research Proposal


Admission requirements

Bachelor degree. Admission to the Master BMS. Module How to write a research proposal 2024 should be completed.


In HOW TO WRITE a research proposal a group of 3 students has written a proposal focusing on obtaining a grant for further research. This assignment was supported by a researcher from the LUMC. In HOW TO VALORISE a research proposal we will investigate the possibility of valorizing the results of your research. Valorization is the process of creating value from knowledge by making knowledge suitable and/or available for economic and/or societal use, and translating that knowledge into products, services, processes and entrepreneurial activity (definition Dutch government).

The road from basic life science research to bringing a product on the market is long, costly and risky. Long, because it needs to be proven that the product is safe and effective, has added value over existing therapies, and is preferably also cheaper. On top of this, most of the proof has to be created before you actually can sell anything or even test it in broader human populations. Costly, because generating the proof quite often requires many expensive studies to be carried out in accordance with governmental regulations. Risky, because a considerable number of development projects ultimately fail due to adverse effects and lack of efficacy. However, looking around us, e.g. in the Leiden BioScience park, it also results in booming activity in the life sciences and ample opportunities for students and graduates. In the introductory lecture we will look at this ecosystem.

Economic valorization of research can take place through IP protection e.g. patenting. In order to investigate this option, you will participate in an IP workshop in which you will learn to search in IP databases. Societal valorization can take place by transferring knowledge to other researchers and institutions or to the general public and/or specific interest groups, such as patients. You will investigate whether there is an unmet need in relationship towards your research ideas. Based on this information, you will consider your options for valorization of your research and prepare a short pitch for a group of peers.

Each group pitches to 3 other groups. In this way a team of 12 students with 4 different scientific ideas is created. Each team of 12 chooses the scientific idea that they believe has the greatest potential for valorization (either economical and/or societal). To further build this case, each team will gather additional information, either IP or scientific, and prepares a pitch, leaflet and report on your findings. On the final day each team will pitch their case to a jury of experts and peers. To support this process, you will have a team building and a short pitching workshop.

Lectures and workshops will be given by experts in the field.

Course objectives

After the course, students:

  • are able to explain why innovation is important for society and the Health sector in particular;

  • can describe the process from ‘scientific idea to (potential) product/application’;

  • understand the basics of the Dutch and PCT patent system and know where to find IP information;

  • understand their position regarding being an inventor and IP;

  • understand general concepts of valorization;

  • can apply and integrate general concepts of value creation to their research proposal;

  • are able to pitch their idea to peers and a specialized audience;

  • are able to work in a team with peers in order to reach individual and team goals.


All course and group schedules are published on MyTimeTable.

The exam dates have been determined by the Education Board and are published in MyTimeTable.
It will be announced in MyTimeTable and/or Brightspace when and how the post-exam feedback will be organized.

Mode of instruction

Lectures, workshops, self-study, student symposium.

Assessment method

  • Students will be assessed both with regard to their team pitches, their team report and leaflet, and personal reflection essay.

  • Attention will also be given to academic competence and attitude of the students during the workshops.

Grade: pass/no pass

Reading list


Registration for FOS courses, H2W, H2V, Scientific Conduct, Course on Lab Animal Sciences and CRiP takes place in lottery rounds in the beginning of July. After the lottery rounds: if you want to register for a course you are kindly asked to contact the student administration at

