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Women's Representation


Admission requirements

Participation in the seminar is only permitted if the propaedeutic phase has been passed (60 EC).


This course focuses on women’s presence in politics. The number of women in positions of power in legislatures and beyond has increased in recent years. As these numbers grow, the career longevity of women in politics is not growing accordingly. Most women end their careers after a single period in the legislature or other offices. Women, it seems, are becoming constant newcomers facing major barriers to entering and remaining in politics.

In this seminar, we will study the barriers women face in gaining access to and maintaining their presence in positions of political power in public and private institutions in the global context. We will study women’s representation by first looking at descriptive and substantive representation, then looking at women’s political ambition and what it takes for them to become candidates, the role of political parties in this process, legislation (quota laws) set to promote women’s presence in elections, violence against women in elections and more broadly the cost of joining politics. Afterward, we will discuss the roles women take once in power and how women affect policies from outside government (via social movements).

Course objectives

By the end of this seminar, students will be able to:

  • Identify the multiple barriers faced by women in politics and beyond.

  • Evaluate the causes of women’s underrepresentation in political institutions as well as their presence.

  • Analyze the effect of gender and stereotypes on electoral politics, policymaking, and the supply and demand for candidates.

  • Critically analyze empirical political science research.

  • Develop clear and cogent arguments in writing.

Mode of instruction

Interactive seminar: class discussions and student presentations

Assessment method

In class (individual) presentation (15%)
Class Participation (20%)
Reflection paper (25%)
Research Proposal (40%)

Reading list

The list of readings will be made available upon commencement of the course through Brightspace. The readings for this seminar consist of scholarly articles and book chapters available either on the internet or through the university library.


See 'Practical Information'


See 'MyTimetable'


Diana Davila Gorillo, Ph.D.
Institute of Political Science