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OIKOS Reading List Greek/Latin


Admission requirements

Please contact Prof. Ineke Sluiter for more information on the Greek reading list and Prof. Antje Wessels for more information on the Latin reading list.


The OIKOS educational board has composed a list of Classical core texts of which Research Master students and PhD students should try to read as much as possible. This list is based on the Greek and Latin reading lists of Princeton University, where all students are expected to have read these texts before starting their PhD.
Students might have read several of the texts in courses already, but presumably not all of them. If, for the time being, it turns out to be impossible to read all texts in Greek or Latin, they should at least be read in translation.
With consent of their supervisor in their local graduate school, Research Master students can compose their own reading list - based on the one mentioned below - to add to their OIKOS curriculum. The expected reading speed is 1 page Oxford Classical Text (OCT) per hour or 15 pages of secondary literature per hour. The lengths of the texts are expressed in OCT pages, added between brackets after each text. Texts marked with an asterisk (*) are of particular interest for philosophy students and those marked with two asterisks (**) are of particular interest for students of ancient history.

More information

Course objectives

The student is able to:
-compose a motivated individual reading list from the available Greek and Latin literature;
-to read and interpret the selected text independently, with the help of the usual scholarly tools—more specifically on the basis of:

  • translation competence

  • knowledge of grammar (morphology, syntax) and verse form

  • reading comprehension

  • insight in the historical and cultural context of the texts

  • critical use of commentaries

  • production of own interpretations in motivated dialogue with the commentaries

  • reflection on the role of the reading list in own academic development


The timetables are available through My Timetable.

Mode of instruction

Independend study

Assessment method

Examination (in consultation with the supervisor either an oral or a written exam): the student will translate two or three text passages from the self-selected reading list and answer questions on language, form, content, context, and interpretation, demonstrating familiarity with the relevant commentaries. In case of an oral exam the student will be will get the opportunity to see and prepare these texts, before the actual examination starts.

For the examination an individual appointment is made with Prof. Ineke Sluiter (Greek), Prof. Antje Wessels (Latin).
Dates of exams, resits and exam review upon consultation with the supervisor.

Reading list

Upon consultation with their supervisor, students will make their own selection of texts based on the OIKOS Reading list:


Enrolment through MyStudyMap is mandatory.
General information about course and exam enrolment is available on the website.


  • Prof. Ineke Sluiter (Greek), Prof. Antje Wessels (Latin)

  • For questions about enrolment, admission, etc, contact the Education Administration Office: Arsenaal


This course is part of the Research School Elective. For more information, please consult the webpage of OIKOS, the National Research School in Classical Studies in the Netherlands (Onderzoeksinstituut Klassieke Oudheidstudiën).
Students are welcome to decide themselves how many ECs they want to earn by taking the OIKOS Reading List. To give an indication on the workload: The expected reading speed is around 1 page Oxford Classical Text (OCT) per hour or 15 pages of secondary literature per hour. 28 hours = 1 EC.