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Internet Governance


Course Information

This is a core course.

This course is about the regulation of the internet and other digital technologies. The question on how to regulate the Internet has become a major political theme. This course gives an overview of the theoretical and practical aspects of Internet regulation and Internet governance.

The course addresses theories on the regulation of digital technologies that have been developed. The course specifically deals with the governance and regulation of the Internet. It provides students with in-depth knowledge on the dynamic interaction between technical (protocols, standards), business (interconnection, business models), political (UN, EU, IGF, ITU, ICANN) and legal (self regulation, co-regulation, state regulation) aspects of Internet governance.

Course objectives

The goal of the course is to equip the student with a thorough understanding of the interplay between law, internet technology and international governance/diplomacy. In particular the student will learn that the Internet is an object of regulation and an infrastructure that regulates. Choices regarding this regulation depend on the outlook of different stakeholders involved (e.g. governments, businesses, civil rights movements). To make students aware of these different perspectives and the difficulties of reconciling them in a multi-stakeholder setting, students will take on the role of these stakeholders in a roleplaying game.

Achievement levels

Knowledge and comprehension: The student will know the role the internet plays in regulating human behaviour, know the technical infrastructure at a basic level, and understand how design choices made with regards to the technical infrastructure impact the effectiveness of regulation.

Application: At the end of the course the student is able to formulate regulatory strategies
for governing the internet from different stakeholder positions.

Analysis: At the end of the course students will be able to critically assess how proposals for
changing the core internet infrastructure will impact the position of different stakeholders.
Presentation: At the end of this course, the students will be able to make oral presentations
and write papers on the issues covered.

Mode of instruction

Seminars based on the Socratic method, i.e., question and answer model, with active participation of the students. Peer to peer feedback by working in groups.

Course Requirement

Master Degree


The timetable of this course will be available for students in MyTimetable


More information on this course is offered in Brightspace


Attendance is mandatory as specified in Article 5.1 of the Course and Examination Regulations of the Master of Laws Advanced Studies Programmes

Examination Method

Participation in multi-stakeholder dialogue 100% (participation in the multi-stakeholder dialogue entails preparing a position paper and presentation as a group).

Required reading list

See Brightspace

Contact information

Programme Coordinator
Ms Patricia Garcia Fernandez
Telephone number: 0031- 71 527 4228

Course Coordinator
Prof Dr Bart Schermer

Should there be any future extenuating circumstances which may impinge our teaching and assessment, these could necessitate modification of the course descriptions after 1 September. This will only happen in the event of strict necessity and the interests of the students will be taken into account. Should there be a need for any change during the course, this will be informed to all students on a timely basis. Modifications after 1 September 2024 may only be done with the approval and consent of the Faculty Board and Programme Director.