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Thesis seminar CADS VE


Admission requirements

Admission is only for CADS Visual Ethnography students who have finished the fieldwork research for their master’s thesis.

Course Description

This 5 ECTS course aims to establish the analytical connection between experience of fieldwork and the data collected during fieldwork, and the theories and epistemologies discussed in the first part of the master's programme. The focus will be on the level of analysis, the units of analysis, and the process of constructing a written academic argument and an audiovisual component.

Course Objectives

  • Providing the MSc student with practical guidelines to systematically organize and analyze data from the field.

  • Critically exploring the possibilities offered by audiovisual means in relation to producing empirically-based audiovisual research outputs.

  • Helping the MSc student consolidate their research questions, reflect on their ethnographic data, and write a thesis that relates to relevant academic debates.

Financial matters

Students are required to make and edit audio-visual materials during the entire course of the Master’s. They can borrow filming equipment from Leiden University and use its facility to edit their work. Whether they use personal or Leiden University’s equipment, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure they will complete the required coursework.

The Social Sciences Faculty has limited editing computers in its facilities, and the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology has a limited number of semi-professional HD cameras available, including professional audio sets. The Institute’s equipment may be loaned for field research after completion of a skill test and payment of a loan fee. This equipment is to be used during training tutorials and will be distributed to students for use during their fieldwork based on an equipment request procedure. Specific equipment needs will be made in consultation with supervisors and the programme coordinator. If demand exceeds available resources, we will arrange for sharing of equipment. Students are responsible for the safety and care of any equipment in their possession and will be held liable for any preventable damage.


Dates and room numbers can be found on the website.

Mode of instruction

Students will meet in weekly tutorials.

Assessment Method

A series of short weekly assignments that will be graded. The grades will count proportionally towards the final grade for the course (80% of the final grade). Feedback to peers, which requires participation in class, counts for 20% of the final grade. Non-submitted assingments or feedback will count as a fail. Presence in all classes is mandatory, from the start of the course, and more than 2 absences will result in failure of the course.

Registration in My Studymap

Registration for the lectures in My Studymap is mandatory for all students. Registration closes 5 days before the start of the course. Carefully read all information about the procedures and deadlines for registering for courses and exams.

Students need not register for the examination via My Studymap, because this course does not include a single final examination.


Brightspace will be used to make information and assignments available. Brightspace module for this course will be available for registration by the end of February.

Course Literature

Suhr, Christian, and Rane Willerslev. 2013. Transcultural Montage. Berghahn Books.

Students will use literature from previous coursework in the programme, their fieldwork notes, and literature used for writing the master's thesis


Dr. Federico De Musso Dr. Mark Westmoreland Dr. Benjamin Fogarty Dr. S.R.J.J. Hölsgens