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Reflection Annual Diversity & Inclusion Symposium


This page contains the information of the course in year 2023-2024, and will be updatet as soon as possible


Leiden University has identified Diversity and Inclusion as key principles of our community. Being open to diversity and ensuring an inclusive academic environment is a collective effort which takes place in all spaces of our community. We are definitely not there yet but at the same time, important steps are being made. The annual Diversity and Inclusion Symposium organised by Leiden University (January 11th, 2024) is an important moment to look back, reflect, and get inspired.

Course objectives

This course provides an opportunity to dive into the broad theme of Diversity & Inclusion through the scope of the symposium and within the disciplinary context of the organizing faculty. By attending the lectures, workshops and panel discussions during the symposium, by reading scientific articles, by joining our preparatory and reflective session, and by reflecting on your own ‘social fields’ and experiences we strive to achieve that students:

  • enhance their awareness of the omnipresent diversity around them and the importance of more inclusive communities;

  • enrich their social scientific perspective by approaching the topics from a disciplinary point of view (depending on the organizing faculty);

  • learn from the experiences and viewpoints of the attendees of the symposium as well as their fellow students within this course;

  • reflect on the ever changing world around them and on their own position within this discourse as well as their own experienced realities.

Course material

The course material depends on the theme of the symposium.

Mode of instruction

Students are expected to invest approximately 28 hours for this 1 ECTS course. It is composed of the following components:

  • Attendance of the preparatory meeting

  • Attendance of the symposium (11 January 2024)

  • Attendance of the reflective meeting

  • Reading scientific articles

  • Reflecting on the insights from the symposium and summarizing them in one PowerPoint sheet which you will present during our reflective meeting

  • Final Reflection

Assessment methods

  • Your Presentation during the reflective meeting has to be sufficiently prepared, presented and it has to be accompanied by one sheet containing the core of what you learned (for specifics, see course manual).

  • Your Reflection needs to include the required elements (see course manual) and it needs to showcase the different elements of the course (symposium, reading, reflective meeting).


During the plenary sessions the English language is used. The Presentation will be given in English. The Reflection may be written in Dutch or English.


The skills predominantly covered in this course are shown in bold:

Researching Collaborating Reflecting
Analysing Oral communication Independent learning
Generating solutions Written communication Resilience
Project-based working Presenting
Digital skills Societal awareness


Date Time Location program
nnb 18:00 - 20:00 Hybrid: Living Lab Leiden - Pieter de la Court building (1B.01) / online Preparatory session
nnb 12:30 - 17:30 Hybrid: The Hague - Wijnhaven building / online Symposium
nnb 18:00 - 20:00 Hybrid: Living Lab Leiden - Pieter de la Court building (1B.01) / online Reflective session

Admission requirements

Second and third year students of the Honours College track Science, Society and Self could follow this course. Students are allowed to take this course twice in entire Honours curriculum.


Students can register for this course via MyStudyMap. Registration opens December 12th (13:00), but students can start planning in MyStudyMap from November 15th (13:00) onwards.

Students have to register for the symposium separately here.

Contact information

If you have any questions, please contact:
Janita Ravesloot (
Rosalinde Spitters (