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The Linguistic Brain


Please note: this course description is not fully up-to-date for the academic year 2025-2026. Updates will be published shortly.


This course covers basic neural models of language processing in healthy and language-impaired adults. Also, language acquisition of the mother tongue is discussed. Specifically, neural models of speech perception and production, bilingualism and language disorders are covered. Neuroanatomy and methods in cognitive neuroscience necessary to understand these topics will be briefly reviewed.


Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe basic neuroscientific models of language processing;

  • Describe the difference between language and communication.

Mode of Instruction

8 2-hour seminars


For the timetables of your lectures, workgroups, and exams, select your study programme. Always keep an eye on Brightspace and check with your course coordinator for potential changes. Psychology timetables


Written examination

Reading list

  • Ward, J., The Student’s Guide to Cognitive Neuroscience. Psychology Press (2019) 4th Edition

  • PDF links on Brightspace

Contact information

For your questions about the overall minor organisation, please contact the coordinator of the minor in Brain and Cognition
For your questions about registration, contact the OSC
For questions about the content of the course, please contact the course coordinator Dr. N.O. Schiller