Please note: this course description is not fully up-to-date for the academic year 2025-2026. Updates will be published shortly.
Entry requirements
Only open to students that are admitted to the Minor Brain and Cognition.
In this course, students will be further acquainted with the chemistry of the brain, with a particular emphasis on neurotransmitters and receptors, the pharmacological properties of neurochemical substances and synthethic drugs, their mechanisms, impact on neurotransmitter systems, cognition, and their clinical applications, e.g. in anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and schizophrenia.
Moreover, students will learn how to present to an audience with a diverse background. They will choose a topic related to neurotransmitter systems and prepare group presentations, which they will present during a work group session.
Course objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student can:
explain the basic neurochemistry of the brain, such as the structure of receptors and their role in neurotransmission, important functional roles of main neurotransmitter systems, and the neurochemistry underlying cognitive states and neural diseases
form, express and explain critical opinions on selected topics on neurotransmitter systems.
critically assess taught topics and present a chosen topic in an clear way to a diverse, multidisciplinary audience of co-students.
For the timetables of your lectures, workgroups, and exams, select your study programme. Always keep an eye on Brightspace and check with your course coordinator for potential changes. Psychology timetables
Mode of instruction
8x 2 hour lectures (in English)
6x 2 hour work group sessions (in English)
Attendance at the workgroup sessions is mandatory. See Brightspace for more information.
Assessment method
The final grade for this course consists of an exam grade (70%) and workgroup presentation grade (30%). Both the exam and workgroup presentations will be presented in English. The exam consists of a mixture of multiple-choice questions and open (essay) questions (students may choose to answer the open questions in Dutch). The work group presentation grade will only be provided when at least 75% of the work group sessions have been attended. The exam grade and workgroup grade each need to be at least a 5.0 or higher and their weighted average needs to be at least a 5.5 or higher. When resitting the work group presentation, the highest possible grade is a 6.0. The work group grade can be carried over to any exam resits (i.e., students do not need to redo the workgroup sessions if they only fail the exam). Students are not automatically enrolled for an exam. They can register via uSis from 100 to 10 calendar days before the date; students who are not registered will not be permitted to take the examination.
Reading list
Bear, M.F., Connors, B.W., & Paradiso, M.A. (2015) Neuroscience: exploring the brain (4th edition).
Plus other additional material listed on Brightspace
Contact information
For your questions about the overall minor organisation, please contact the coordinator of the minor in Brain and Cognition
For your questions about registration, contact the OSC
For questions about the content of the course, please contact Fleur Bouwer