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Essentials of Artificial Intelligence



The course aims to provide the necessary introductory knowledge about artificial intelligence(AI), its current and future impact, and its applications on real life problems.
On the one hand, we cover macro-topics including (but are not limited to) the definition of AI, the historical challenges that accompanied its development, and how generative AI is impacting the way we think and work in different fields. On the other, joint with these topics, we will introduce essential concepts for designing and applying AI solutions such as combinatorial explosion, approximation, optimisation, stochasticity, learning, and others.
Students will be tasked to plan, apply AI approaches to their field of interest, and reflect upon their results.

Course Objectives

  • Remember the fundamental steps in the history of AI

  • Remember the meaning of fundamental concepts for AI

  • Understand how AI developed and how this impacts its current state

  • Understand the opportunities and limitations of AI approaches

  • Evaluate the appropriateness of AI solutions to specific problems

  • Apply AI algorithms to one's field of interest

Mode of Instruction

Lectures and workshops

Assessment Method

  • Multiple choices exam 40%

  • Three group-based assignments 40%

  • In-lecture quizzes 20%

A final weighted and rounded average of 6.0 is required to pass the course.

A minimum of 5.5 in each of the three assessments is required.

A non-completed assignment is evaluated as 1.0.

Only the final grade will be rounded (.49 rounded down and .5 rounded up)

Students who are entitled to more exam/retake time must report to 10 days before the exam/retake takes place.


The exam's retake is another exam.
The assignments' retake is a single individual assignment


Application period

For application EduXchange is used, application will start on Thursday 15th of May 2025 at 13:00h.

For minor students, TU Delft, Erasmus and LDE students: Thursday 15 May 13.00h until 30 June

More information about the application procedure can be found on this website:

Application procedure