Admission requirements
This course can be taken by Premaster Public Administration students and exchange students.
This pre-master's course provides basic knowledge on public policy and the process of policy making. It introduces the main policy theories and concepts, including the central idea of the policy-making cycle, which includes the agenda setting, policy formulation, decision making, implementation and evaluation stages. The course discusses various problems of public policy at local, national, European, and global levels in a multi-level system of governance. During the course, we examine concrete societal challenges and how we can design and implement effective public policies to deal with them.
Course objectives
By the end of the course, students are expected to have acquired the following knowledge and skills:
be familiar with the main concepts and theories in the study of public policy and the policy-making process;
be able to apply these concepts and theories to the analysis of public policy problems and policy making in a multi-level system of governance;
be able to write an analysis of a real-world public policy issue with the help of the public policy theories and concepts introduced in the class.
On the Public Administration front page of the Prospectus you will find links to the website and timetables, uSis and Brightspace.
Mode of instruction
The course will be taught through weekly lectures. The core concepts and theories of this course will be introduced and discussed in the meetings. While attendance of the meetings is not mandatory, it is highly recommended. Please make sure you also have read the course material in advance to improve your learning and in-class discussions. The PowerPoint slides for all lectures will be made available on Brightspace after the lectures. These will not be presented beforehand in order to ensure and promote independent study of the material.
Total course load is 140 hours (5 x 28).
Hours spend on:
Attending lectures and seminar = 15 hours
Paper assignment = 40 hours
Final exam = 5 hours
Self-study = 80 hours
Assessment method
Mid-term paper (50%)
Written exam (50%)
Both the paper and exam need to have a passable grade (5.5).
Partial grades remain valid for one semester after the exam and the resit of the course.
You can find more information about assessments and the timetable exams on the website. Details for submitting papers (deadlines) are posted on Brightspace. On the Public Administration front page of the E-guide you will find links to the website, uSis and Brightspace.
More information about participation in exams can be found in the Rules & Regulations.
Resit written exam
Students that want to take part in a resit for a written exam, are required to register via uSis. Use the activity number that can be found on the ‘timetable exams’.
Reading list
References to readings will be published on Brightspace.
For this course, students will be enrolled by the programme. In uSis you can access your personal schedule and view your results.
Leiden University uses Brightspace as its online learning management system. After enrolment for the course in uSis you will be automatically enrolled in the Brightspace environment of this course.