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Communication in Science for Exchange Students


Admission requirements


In the line course Communication in Science (CIS), students learn the principles of scientific communication which are needed to become professional writers and presenters. Students complete several assignments related to scientific writing and presenting which are integrated into the modules. Throughout the year activities include presentation training, as well as writing assignments related to an article review, a reflection on a laboratory practical, an argumentative essay, and a report on a scientific symposium.

Course objectives

Semester 1
During the first semester of year 2, the student will:

  • communicate their analysis of a scientific article;

  • develop skills in concise, formal writing;

  • develop skills in writing about their own a scientific report;

  • gain experience in giving and recieving constructive peer feedback;

  • learn to prepare and deliver a scientific presentation

  • learn techniques for giving effective and memorable presentations in English

Semester 2
During the second semester of year 2, the student will:

  • develop skills in writing an argumentative essay;

  • develop skills in concise, formal writing;

  • develop skills in writing conference proceedings

  • gain experience in giving and recieving constructive peer feedback;

  • learn to prepare and deliver a scientific presentation

  • learn techniques for giving effective and memorable presentations in English


All course and group schedules are published on MyTimeTable.

The exam dates have been determined by the Education Board and are published in MyTimeTable. When and how the post-exam feedback will be organized will be announced in MyTimeTable and/or Brightspace.

Mode of instruction

The line course Communication in Science (CIS) is a form of transmodular education that is integrated within the modules. CIS is taught via lectures, work groups, self-study, as well as peer and tutor feedback. Students build up a portfolio containing all assessments and feedback. The course makes use of the electronic learning environment Brightspace.

Assessment method

Reading list

For the complete reading list for the bachelor of Biomedical Sciences, see the Study Materials List BW 2024-2025.




Information for exchange students

This module is part of an English taught third semester of the bachelor’s programme in Biomedical Sciences at Leiden University Medical Center. Combining biomedical modules with modules from other programmes in Leiden is difficult or impossible due to different scheduling schemes. Exchange students with sufficient relevant background knowledge in biology/biomedicine are therefore encouraged and advised to choose the entire module package indicated (by an *) below.

Immunology (BW), 9 EC*
Infectious Agents And Immunity, 6 EC*
Introduction to the Neurosciences 6, EC*
Design and analysis of Biomedical Studies, 6 EC*

Line education
Communication in Science for Exchange students, 2 EC*

Additional options:
Biomedical Academic Scientific Training for Exchange Students, 2 EC
Applied Electrophysiology for Exchange students, 2 EC

A minimum number of applicants is required for continuation of the optional components.