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Communication in Science-3 (CiS-3)


Admission requirements

The course Communication in Science 1 & 2 must have been completed.


During the third year, students extend their writing and presentation skills. During the course Science Talks, the oral presentation skills appropriate to giving a paper to an international audience will be discussed and practiced, as well as linguistic aspects such as intonation and word stress. Students will produce a critical interpretation, a “Retort” in reaction to a philosophical article or review from a number of topics relevant to the REOS module and give an oral presentation of the same article to their peers. Each student will write a full scientific report in English, as if for publication, on an experiment. In addition, students will write a training period article in English on their three-month student research project and discuss this in a peer review format. At the end of the year, a poster presentation will be held, during which all students present the results of their student research projects to their fellow students.
During the annual Biomedical Sciences Symposium, organised by Master’s students and supervised by CIS, students will gain insight into the research profiles of the LUMC; during this symposium, Master’s students present their research results in English to all Bachelor’s students.

Course objectives

The student:

  • presents numerical and graphical data to audience in text and in presentations

  • can summarize, synthesize and critically evaluate research papers

  • can define a research question and hypothesis, can provide a rational and identify a gap/niche in the literature

  • practices the skill of formal and concise writing

  • develops skills in critical analysis and communicating critique

  • practices using the language of argumentation in presentation and writing (in English)

  • can write a competent research paper in the form of a publishable article

  • uses analytical and communication skills to offer feedback on peers’ texts and receive feedback

  • learns to design and present a conference poster in English

  • can present coherently and convincingly

  • shows skills necessary to communicate his/her analysis of an article to a scientific audience

  • demonstrates ability to work independently on longer term projects, meet deadlines, and receive and assimilate feedback


All course and group schedules are published on MyTimeTable.

The exam dates have been determined by the Education Board and are published in MyTimeTable.
It will be announced in MyTimeTable and/or Brightspace when and how the post-exam feedback will be organized.

Mode of instruction

The line course Communication in Science (CIS) is a form of transmodular education that is integrated with the modules. CIS is taught via lectures, work groups, self-study, and video training. Students build up a portfolio containing all assessments and feedback. The course makes use of the electronic learning environment Brightspace.

Assessment method

CIS applies continuous assessment; the final mark for the year is the average of all individual marks for the assignments, a formal oral presentation and a poster presentation.

Reading list

For the complete reading list for the bachelor of Biomedical Sciences, see the Study Materials List BW 2024-2025.


To participate in workgroups and exams students must register with uSis.


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Due to the nature of this course, classlists are prone to change and therefore require attention by the student.