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Mechanisms of disease 2


Admission requirements


During this 6-week course the student will gain insight into the relation between (epi) genetic alterations in cells and morphologic and functional changes in the affected cells and tissues. Students will learn how genetic alterations (including hereditary ones) cause cancer development. Furthermore, the classification of tumors (tumor types), the cancer cell characteristics that lead to metastatic spread, the interaction between cancer cells and the host immune system, and diagnostic and treatment procedures will be discussed. Based upon these findings the multidisciplinary approach of many aspects of curative treatment options in a variety of malignancies (e.g. breast, endometrial, colorectal, non-small cell lung (NSCL), melanoma and hematological cancers) will be discussed.

The theme “Hemodynamic disorders” will introduce you to the major clinical symptoms resulting from the disturbance of the maintenance of blood flow and to their underlying mechanisms. Primary and secondary hemostasis, thrombosis and atherosclerosis will be discussed Finally, thrombosis will be presented as a paraneoplastic phenomenon in relation to cancer.

Course objectives

Learning objectives Theme I: Neoplastic disorders: introduction to cancer
The student:
1. identifies the processes that lead to malignant transformation and links genetic alterations to specific phenotypic characteristics, which represent The Hallmarks of Cancer.
2. Differentiates between tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes, clarifying how genetic mutations uniquely impact each, and elucidates their involvement in hereditary and familial cancer.
3. Provides an overview of the cellular defense mechanisms against cancer (e.g., DNA repair, cell cycle checkpoints, apoptosis, immune system).
4. Describes how genetic mutations, including hereditary changes, and environmental factors contribute to cancer initiation, and discusses the significance of prevention and screening strategies in mitigating cancer risk.
5. Is capable of assessing cancer development risks and identifying inheritance patterns based on family history and hereditary mutations in tumor suppressor genes.
6. Explains the development of cancer, the emergence of mutations in both driver and passenger genes, and clonal heterogeneity within the context of evolutionary processes, including natural and therapy-induced selection.
7. Identifies genetic or phenotypic characteristics that are associated with the clinical progression of cancers, including their metastatic potential and aggressive behavior.
8. explains the mechanisms by which tumors can metastasize and knows the differences between distinct metastatic routes.
9. Identifies the mechanisms through which the immune system can detect and counteract tumor growth, as well as the ways in which cancers can manipulate immune features to promote tumor development.
10. Discusses the mechanistic principles of cancer immunotherapies and the diverse outcomes they produce, in the context of the biology of immune cells.
11. Can integrate and discuss information obtained from various cancer diagnostic techniques, including imaging, histological analysis, and molecular diagnostics, considering its significance for cancer patients and its implications for guiding clinical decision-making.
12. Explains the significance of tumor grade and stage in various cancers and describes how these factors influence the clinical management of patients.
13. Highlights the role of biomarkers in the clinical management of cancer patients at various stages, encompassing early detection, prognosis, treatment selection, and monitoring disease progression or response to therapy.
14. describes the different aspects and intentions of anti-cancer treatment modalities (curative vs palliative, local control vs systemic control, adjuvant vs neoadjuvant, combination of modalities)
15. can specify the properties of tumors that can serve as guidance for therapeutic purposes (rate of cell proliferation, genetic alterations, protein expression) and justify the importance of employing molecular diagnosis for personalized treatment.
16. Possesses basic understanding of key milestones, influential individuals, and significant events in the history of cancer and oncology, along with an awareness of how shifts in societal, cultural, and scientific landscapes have transformed the approach to cancer.

Learning objectives Theme II: Hematological disorders (all objectives from Theme I apply)
The student:
17. describes the mechanism of differentiation of stem cells to end-stage highly differentiated cells and the regulation of this process by cytokines/growth factors and their receptors and the physiological response to endo- and exogenous factors such as stress responses and infection, respectively.
18. explains the differences between normal and abnormal growth and regulation, dysregulation of the hematopoietic cell system and the approach to the patient with cytopenia or cytosis.
19. understands the regulation of the normal growth pattern of the hematopoietic system and the physiological responses to endogenous and exogenous stimuli.
20. describes the main laboratory findings and imaging modalities in the most important hematological malignancies (e.g. acute and chronic leukemia and lymphomas).
21. is able to describe the principles and differences between the different diagnostic modalities: cytology/histology, immunophenotyping (FACS-analysis), cytogenetics, FISH, and gene-expression profiles and how to apply these tests in clinical cases.
22. Establishes the connection between the processes of malignant transformation in lymphomas and leukemias and the biology of B and T cell development.
23. Explains the various terminologies used for leukemias and lymphomas, focusing on their cell of origin and how the disease manifests.
24. Utilize appropriate treatment strategies tailored to distinct disease types and comprehend the varied clinical progression associated with each entity.

Learning objectives Theme III: Hemostatic disorders
The student:
25. understands the role of the vessel wall, endothelium, thrombocytes and plasma factors in hemostasis and the role of pro- and anticoagulant factors.
26. understands the principles and mechanism of balance between thrombosis and hemorrhage.
27. is able to explain in clinical cases which component of hemostasis is disturbed and knows which clinical tests can be used to identify this.
28. can describe the differences between congenital and acquired diseases of thrombotic disorders.
29. can explain the principles of pharmacological interventions targeting coagulation.
30. relates clinical aspects and epidemiology of thrombosis to cancer and the mechanisms playing a role in thrombosis as a paraneoplastic phenomenon.
31. can describe the mechanism by which atherosclerosis develops in vessels and which factors are involved in and predispose for this condition (e.g. dietary factors, hypercholesterolemia, radiotherapy and chemotherapy).


All course and group schedules are published on MyTimeTable.

The exam dates have been determined by the Education Board and are published in MyTimeTable.
It will be announced in MyTimeTable and/or Brightspace when and how the post-exam feedback will be organized.

Mode of instruction

Lectures, workgroup meetings, patient demonstrations, response lectures, interactive sessions and self-study exercises.

Assessment method

Testing is done by means of a final exam (multiple choice and open questions and an integrated extended matching puzzle).

The exam dates can be found on the schedule website.

Reading list

For the complete reading list for the bachelor of Medicine, see the Study Materials List GNK 2024-2025.


Students are required to register for exams through uSis. The registration for a working group is done by handing in your ‘studieplan’.

