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Infections in Health and Disease


Admission requirements

See Brightspace for the admission requirements.

The Infections in Health and Disease course is designed for medical and biomedical students who wish to increase their knowledge and understanding of infectious diseases, infection control and the functioning of the immune system. The course prepares students to effectively participate in future health care or research programs in infection or immunity anywhere in the world.
As described in the Mechanism of Disease courses (I&II-Medicine) or Immunology & Infectious Agents & Immunity (BMS) you followed in year 2, you will be expected to know the following:

  • Knowledge of the structure of the normal human cell and the most important physiological and biochemical processes of the cell;

  • Knowledge of the normal histology of tissues and organs;

  • Knowledge of the concepts molecular recognition, receptor, specificity, receptor-ligand interaction;

  • Understanding of normal regulation of blood pressure and temperature;

  • Insight into causes and mechanisms of pain sensation;

  • Knowledge of epidemiological terminology;

  • Ability to apply basic arithmetic (use of calculator allowed);

  • Usage of English at level B2 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

International Students should have an adequate background in Medicine or Biomedical Sciences with basic knowledge of the human immune system. Admission will be considered based on CV and motivation letter. For more information, please contact


The course aims to examine fundamental health care questions related to infectious diseases (viral, bacterial and parasitic) as they pertain to medical microbiology, pathology and clinical research. In addition to gaining a better understanding of the human immune system and how it underlies a variety of diseases and therapies, the student will learn about mechanisms of pathogenesis and induction of different type of immune responses to pathogens.
While infections have literally ‘plagued’ us over hundreds of years one of the greatest successes of modern medicine has been the development of highly effective anti-microbial interventions, like anti-microbial agents and vaccination, which have transformed our ability to cope with once life-threatening and debilitating diseases. Interestingly, the concept that some microorganisms can manipulate the human immune system in a manner that may be beneficial for the host is gaining much attention. Indeed, humans coexist with a complex set of commensal microorganisms in a symbiotic relationship and how this plays a key role in health and disease, is only now becoming clear.
Immune mechanisms successfully conquering infectious diseases are explained, as well as immune evasion strategies employed by pathogens, to understand the consequences of an optimally working or defective immune system. The concepts of vaccination are discussed, describing vaccination in the clinic and in the field. How the immune system is modulated by microorganisms (for good and bad) will be studied. Finally, novel and cutting-edge ideas that look to exploit the human immune system to cure both communicable and non-communicable diseases will be also described.

Based on specific patient’s cases, the students will file a patient history and investigate the diagnostic profile to diagnose the patient by studying e-learning modules. With recent literature and hands-on activities, the students will understand the link between commensals and health and describe factors which influence commensals. Student will get involved in public engagement and design attractive and explanatory weblogs on hot infectious disease topics for peers and general public. Finally, in the second half of this half minor the students will conduct a research project in Tanzania or Indonesia in which they apply the knowledge obtained during this course to study the interplay between pathogens and host immune system. At the last day of the half minor, the students present their conducted research by a poster and an oral presentation.

Course objectives

  1. Describe in detail and explain the working of the immune system in health and disease;
  2. Analyze the clinical and immunopathological aspects of infectious diseases;
  3. List diagnostic methods available for infectious diseases, interpret the results and develop a written therapeutic plan;
  4. Communicate on the role of commensals (microbiome) in health and disease;
  5. Be able to design immune interventions for treatment of communicable and non-communicable diseases;
  6. Set out the right questions, review relevant topics, critically evaluate current information and design new studies to get the answers.


All course and group schedules are published on MyTimeTable.

The exam dates have been determined by the Education Board and are published in MyTimeTable.
It will be announced in MyTimeTable and/or Brightspace when and how the post-exam feedback will be organized.

Mode of instruction

Lectures, practical’s, research, excursions, work groups, patient demonstrations or simulations.

Assessment method

  • Knowledge exams with open questions (20%)

  • Consult report (20%)

  • Written report (Blog) + Oral presentation (20%)

  • Research Proposal/Report & Poster/Pitch presentation (40%)

  • 3 additional tests (pass/fail)
    o Oral presentations
    o Work groups – Journal Club
    o Pro-Con/Round table Discussion
    The exam dates can be found on the schedule website.

Reading list

For the complete reading list for the bachelor of Medicine, see the Study Materials List GNK 2024-2025.


Information about the registration process can be found on the Brightspace course Half Minors.


Dr Bart Everts
LUMC, Department of Parasitology

Dr Jutte de Vries, MD
LUMC, Department of Medical Microbiology


All other information.