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Language Acquisition: English Around the Globe


The theme of this course is language variation in English-speaking countries. We will be looking at the sociolinguistic situation in various countries, such as South Africa, India, Scotland, Australia, or Canada. The students will do a fully-fledged empirical study into the language situation in one of these countries, for instance a survey or listening experiment. During the first few tutorials, the research topics will be discussed. During the tutorials, students will present their work and all the challenges they encountered while collecting data. In addition, theory on English-language variation and change will be discussed during the course. Students who wish to write their MA thesis on a topic related to the course (for instance, a certain country) are advised to contact the tutor at the beginning of the course, so that the course work could serve as a basis of the thesis.


The timetable will be available from June 1st on the Internet.

Method of Instruction

Two-hour seminar per week.

A la carte and contract teaching

Not available as modular course or a la carte.

Course objectives

This course aims to create awareness of the structure of language variation and change in the Anglophone world and in general. An additional aim is to introduce students to creating, handling, and analysing empirical data for research. Furthermore, students are educated to write a standard research paper in English, i.e. follow the general guidelines of academic English and of the structure of such a paper. Students learn how to write effectively and order their findings in such a way that it fits in with the conventions of research-report writing. Finally, students will learn to present empirical research in a presentation.

Required reading

*Weissberg, R. & Buker, S. (1990) Writing up research: experimental research-report writing for students of English. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall Regents (this will be handed out in class or posted on Blackboard, if it is not available in the bookshop). *Jenkins, J. (2003 or latest edition) World Englishes. Routledge.


Presentations (40%), homework (20%) and essay (40%).
The course can be extended to 15 ECTS through an exam.


English Department, P.N. van Eyckhof 4, room 102c, tel: 071 5272144.


This course is supported by Blackboard.