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Early Modern Science and Humanist Culture late15th to early 17th Century


Knowledge of the cosmos and the natural world around us was very different in 1700 from the way it was around 1450-1500. Far-reaching changes in virtually all aspects of European culture were brought about during this period. The innovators of the study of science in the late 15th, 16th and early 17th century, such as Copernicus, Clusius, Kepler, Bacon and Vesalius, were all in close contact with humanist culture. The rediscovery of texts from antiquity but also the use of magic and hermeticism gave this relation between science and humanism a very special flavour.


Semester I, see timetables.


Research Seminar; attendance is compulsory ( see the rules and regulations of the Department of History, art. 2).


Students acquire a fuller understanding of the origins of modern science in relation to humanist culture in Early Modern Europe. Students learn to locate and interpret secondary literature and primary sources, to formulate a research question and to produce an essay primarily based on research of sources.


Written entrance test
(10% of the final mark) on the basis of A.G. Debus, Man and nature in the Renaissance (Cambridge 1978) ISBN 10: 0521293286, paperback.
Further reading to be announced in class.


Written entrance test (10% of the final mark) on the basis of A.G. Debus, Man and nature in the Renaissance (Cambridge 1978) ISBN 10: 0521293286, paperback.; participation and presentations (40%), final paper (50%).


With the tutor:




A detailed course description will be available at the start of the Seminar.


A reading knowledge of Dutch, German and/or French is helpful.

Aanmeldingen Cursussen, Werkgroepen en Tentamens

MA course enrolment forms can be downloaded here.