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In Search of the Riches of the Orient


The fabulous riches of the Far East stirred the imagination of the Dutch already before the VOC was founded at the beginning of the seventeenth century. In this MA seminar we shall investigate the first attempts to gain access to these riches; how the Dutch were barred entry into China but gained a foothold in Japan.
The research will be based on printed source publications, secondary literature and archival sources in the VOC archive at the Nationaal Archief in Den Haag. Some knowledge of palaeography is recommended but not absolutely necessary.


Semester I, see timetables.

Method of Instruction

Research Seminar; attendance is compulsory ( see the rules and regulations of the Department of History, art. 2).

Course objectives

Using documentary sources and secondary works, students will gain an understanding of the dynamics, achievements and limitations of Dutch expansion in the Far East in the early modern period, as well as some insight into its international significance. They will strengthen their research abilities through analysis of primary sources, and gain further experience in the oral discussion and presentation of their work.

Required reading

To be announced


Entry exam (literature to be announced), oral presentation, and final paper (max. 7.500 words).


With the tutor:



Application Courses, Seminars and Exams

MA course enrolment forms can be downloaded here.