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Critical Elections in American History


Presidential elections have played a central role in the history and development of American politics. This course examines 12 presidential elections that had a crucial influence on the course of American history, from the election of 1800, which saw the first transfer of power from one political party to another, to the disputed election of 2000, whose outcome was determined by the Supreme Court. The course will conclude with an examination of the 2008 election.


Semester I, see timetables.


Research Seminar; attendance is compulsory ( see the rules and regulations of the Department of History, art. 2).


Through concepts such as “critical elections,” “party systems” and “political realignments,” students will deepen their understanding of American history by examining how certain presidential elections promote, delay or confirm broader political developments. Students will also gain insights into the development of political parties, the changing character of election campaigns, and the strengths and weaknesses of the system for choosing presidents.


Gumbel, Andrew. Steal This Vote: Dirty Elections and the Rotten History of Democracy in America. Nation Books, 2004. For entry test.
Wilentz, Sean. The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln. Norton, 2005.
Burnham, Walter D. Critical Elections and the Mainsprings of American Politics. Norton, 1971.
La Feber, Walter. LBJ, Vietnam, and the 1968 Election. Rowman & Littlefield, 2005.
Brady, Henry, et al., The Unfinished Election of 2000. Basic Books, 2002.


Entry exam, oral presentation, and final paper (max. 7.500 words) to be submitted by 19 December.


With the tutor:


Yes. Gives access to syllabus, bibliography, documentary sources, and additional texts.


See blackboard.

Aanmeldingen Cursussen, Werkgroepen en Tentamens

MA course enrolment forms can be downloaded here.