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Focus 3+4: Nationalisms and modernity in 20th century Japan


This course investigates the making of modern Japan by tracing Japan’s efforts of nation and empire building, pursuit of modernity, technological and economic progress. In examining major social, economic, and political developments from the early twentieth century to the present day, we will pay particular attention to the shaping of contemporary society and culture through various agents and institutions. The course will combine a broad knowledge of Japanese history and contemporary society with an application of theories of nationalism, culture and modernity.


Monday 13:00-15:00

see: rooster




In addition to developing a theoretically informed perspective on nationalism and modernity in Japan, the course will also provide guidance on academic writing and research, and the presentation of ideas and arguments in oral and written form.


To be announced


Participation element (attendance, participation and weekly webpostings, presentation /presentation write up )30%
Analytical element (analytical paper 1,000-1,500 words) (20%)
Research paper (2,000-2,500 words) (30%)
Final exam (20%)


Mw. Dr. A. Ezawa,
This course is a part of “Keuzepakket Japanse Studies”
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Blackboard plays an essential part in this course. All important information about the course, including the syllabus, course requirements, and other information, except for the course readings, will be available on the course website. As part of class participation, students will also be required to make weekly postings on the Blackboard website. Internet access is therefore essential in order to complete this course.