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Biodiversity and Society


Subjects to be covered are: principles, values and ethics of nature conservation, conservation policy, co-management, ecological economics and economic valuation of nature.
The master course Biodiversity and Society will provide knowledge and insights in the social, cultural and economic backgrounds of nature conservation. The key questions are related to the why? question. The subjects to be covered are principles, values and ethics of nature conservation, conservation policy, co-management, ecological economics and economic valuation of nature. To this end a selection of high qualified researchers from different Dutch universities will give a contribution to the master course. Most contributions will be interactive of nature.


Prof.dr.G.R. de Snoo;

Methods of instruction

On most days there will be a morning program only. During the morning interactive lectures will take place. Morning sessions will start at 9.00. In the afternoon students can be working on their assignments. There will be two assignments (poster and wikipedia pages) which start on the first day.

Study material



Each student will be graded on the basis of her or his poster presentation (written and oral) and developed wikipedia pages (both 50%).


application form available from > Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen > Biologie > Forms > Master courses

Course objective

To provide knowledge and insights in the social, cultural and economic backgrounds of nature conservation.