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Cognitive neuroscience


Cognitive neuroscience originated in two disciplines: in psychology, in the development of rigorous methods for analysing behaviour and cognition, and in systems neurobiology, in the effort to understand the structure and function of neuronal circuits of the sensory and motor systems of the brain.
The neurosciences have grown rapidly over the last half of the 20th century. This growth has been stimulated by two important developments. First, molecular biology has transformed cellular neurobiology and has led to a new conceptual framework for signalling, a molecular framework, that encompasses not only signalling in nerve cells in all the cells of the body. Second, work on brain and cognition, which was traditionally associated with a number of different disciplines (philosophy, medicine, physiology, psychology, ethology) has merged into a single discipline: cognitive neuroscience. This has provided a new framework for the study of memory, perception, action, language, and perhaps even conscious awareness.
In this course we will focus on the second development, but also consider the broader question, which seems to be pivotal for now-a-days research: Can molecular biology enlighten the study of cognitive processes, such as learning and memory? In turn, can cognitive neuroscience define novel phenomena that will lead to a completely new set of molecular mechanisms and insights? How is the interaction between the five levels of biological organization: the behaving organism, the integrated neural system, the neural circuit, the neuron, the molecular level? Mind and brain – two different entities? Neuroethics.


dr. M.S. Oitzl; e-mail:

Methods of instruction

Morning sessions: A selection of the various topics of CN will be presented by experts from the Universities of Leiden, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht. Students prepare for the lectures by reading the abstracts and the literature to actively participate in the discussions (contributes to mark).
Students choose their topics in the week before the lectures start. Preferentially work in pairs.
Afternoon activities: Students work on their topic, prepare a half-page summary to be delivered on Thursday. Power Point presentation on Friday afternoon. Feedback is available by appointments with the experts (via e-mail or directly).
During the next two weeks, students write an essay on their topic (about 10 pages). Contact with supervisor(s) by appointment.

Study material

General literature: see course description on web site. Neuroscience. 2nd ed Purves, Dale; Augustine, George J.; Fitzpatrick, David; Katz, Lawrence C.; LaMantia, Anthony-Samuel; McNamara, James O.; Williams, S. Mark.Sunderland (MA): Sinauer Associates, Inc.; 2001. Pub-Med – gives free online-access to this book.
Topics for student presentations and essays will be available 2 weeks before the beginning of the course.


written report, oral presentation. Participation in discussion

Course requirements/recommendations

Students : MSc – Biology, Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences, Psychology, Life Science & Technology. Special appointments for LACDR PhD students.
Admittance demands : Neuroanatomy and –chemistry. Books recommended: Purves: Neuroscience; Kandel; M. Gazzaniga: Cognitive Neuroscience


application form available from > Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen > Biologie > Forms > Mastercourses


Information on a previous course (2008):