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Environmental processes and Biodiversity


Biology is an important science when it comes to the recognition and analysis of environmental problems in order to solve or prevent those problems. Therefore, knowledge of the main processes behind environmental problems is important for all biologists. The course Environmental Processes and Biodiversity tries to provide such knowledge. The focus in this course is on chains of causes and consequences in the physical environment, both in natural and more cultivated settings, and the resulting impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity. Social and economic processes underlying the human activities causing the environmental problems, and societal response on these problems (environmental policy and management) will get only brief attention.
The course is structured around the four main environmental themes: climate change, soil and water processes and biotic processes. Within the themes attention is paid to the many processes and mechanisms related to acidification, eutrophication, hydrological change, pollution and ecotoxicology, introduction of exotic species and GMO’s, human disturbance and habitat fragmentation.
A limited amount of time – mainly mornings – is spent on discussion of the environmental themes and related topics based on presentations by internal and external experts and selected literature. A number of excursions is included in the program. Most of the time is preserved for assignments, mainly writing short papers and preparing for exams. Also, a ‘mini-symposium’ will be organized in which the students will present a poster on the scientific background of an aspect of a selected environmental theme.

Coordinator; email

Methods of instruction

lectures, excursions, assignments, and presentations

Study material

Reader and lecture handouts

Course requirements/recommendations

Basic understanding of physics, chemistry and especially ecology

Proficiency of the English language

Time table

In the mornings, the environmental themes and related topics are discussed based on presentations by internal and external experts and selected literature.
A number of excursions is part of the program. The excursions take entire days.
The afternoons are preserved for assignments, mainly writing a short paper, preparing for exams, or preparing presentations for a symposium.


application form available from > Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen > Biologie Bachelor jaar 3 . Application form for courses year 3

Course objective

The objective of the Course on Environmental Processes is to make the student acquainted with the physical, chemical and biological processes that play an important role in current environmental problems.


Costs: to be decided