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Computational Analysis of Metabolomics Data (Statistical Analysis)


The amount of data produced within most omics fields, like transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics, is enormous. Together with the complexity of the data this makes handling of omics data not a simple task. This seminar will cover several data analysis related topics that are of importance in the field of metabolomics. Next to different multivariate data analysis approaches, related topics like experimental design and data preprocessing will be discussed. The seminar consists of a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part of the seminar multivariate statistical methods are introduced and illustrated by practical examples from the Analytical Biosciences department. In the practical part all participants will apply the tools from the theoretical part to real metabolomics data using available statistical software.


T.H. Reijmers, PhD, Division of Analytical Biosciences, LACDR, tel. 071-527 4509; email:


Students of Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and students of other study programmes with sufficients skills and knowledge in the field of metabolomics or related disciplines.

Admittance demands

(Basic) knowledge of statistics.

Required reading

Study materials will be handed out during the course


Written exam

minimal amount of students

Minimum of 5 students

Time table

The course lasts for two weeks starting on Januari 5, 2009. See the schedule of the lecture series in the master study guide 2008—2009.


Secretarial office of the Division of Analytical Biosciences, LACDR, tel. 071-527 4220; email: