In this course we will study the impact of globalization in Latin America and its various cultural manifestations. We will see how the relation with ‘el territorio’ disappears while the communication with others intensifies. A reconstruction of the meaning of ‘espacio’ and ‘lugar’ is taking place, in which certain elements are re-invented and others ar excluded.
Method of Instruction
Lectures and working groups.
Course objectives
- To make students acquainted with the basic concepts and latest theoretical viewpoints of Latin American cultural studies. – To enhance – through the analysis of images, texts, music, architecture, fashion, etc. – the understanding of cultural identity as a hybrid construction built on memory and desire.
Required reading
- Martín Barbero, J. De los medios a las mediaciones. Comunicación, cultura y hegemonía. México, Gustavo Gili, 1993. – García Canclini, N. Culturas híbridas: estrategias para entrar y salir de la modernidad. México, Grijalbo, 1989. – Ortiz, R. Mundialización y cultura. Buenos Aires/Madrid, Alianza Editorial,
Active participation, oral classroom presentation and paper.
Prof.dr. L. Rodríguez phone: +31 (0)71 527 2065, e-mail
Blackboard gives actual information on the program and (changes of) schedule. The majority of course literature is also to be found on Blackboard.
A combination of lectures and working groups that will study the actual debates on hybrid cultures.