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Elective: Language Modelling


The seminar introduces an existing computational framework for parsing and generation of natural languages, the Leiden Delilah system. On a modular basis, it is equipped to deal with the syntax and semantics of Dutch. Students are supported in exploring the model for implementing any language they like. They are inspired to develop formal grammars and lexicons in order to model certain aspects of a natural language of their choice. In this way, the students are shown the possibilities and confronted with the problems of grammar driven natural language processing.
The students report on the model they are building and write a paper explaining and defending the decisions they made when developing their model.
The seminar does not require programming skills, but some sense of formal grammar and formal systems is useful. Knowledge of basic syntax and semantics is presupposed. The seminar is given by Crit Cremers, Maarten Hijzelendoorn and Mika Poss.h3. Timetable

Check the website of the Linguistics Department for the timetable “:

Method of Instruction





“Dr. C.L.J.M. Cremers”: