This course is an elective course. The subject matter is the efforts of governments (public administrations) in non-western societies in regard to economic and technological modernization and social and cultural transformation. The subjects dealt with are, among other: (1) Public Administration in today’s non-western societies; (2) Problems of public administration and their implications; (3) The complexity of public administrative systems in non-western societies; (4) Structure and functioning of public administration; (5) Alternative approaches toward development administration; (6) The role of the development manager or development administrator.
All participants are requested to write a paper on a specific topic in the field of public administration in non-western societies and present it in a seminar at the end of the course. They will get 5 ECTS for regular attendance of the classes and a satisfactory paper. Students who want to get 10 ECTS should in addition absolve a written closed book exam on the mandatory literature for this course.
The course is open to Dutch Bachelor as well as foreign undergraduate students in their 3rd year. A maximum of 25 to 30 students can subscribe for this course. The number of students from other studies than Public Administration in Leiden being admitted to the course is limited to 15 to 20 persons, if conditions require such limitation.
NB:Bij het onderwijssecretariaat kunnen de keuzevakstudenten zich aanmelden.
Onderwijssecretariaat Bestuurskunde
Kamer 5A01
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Wassenaarseweg 52
Postbus 9555, 2300 RB Leiden
Telefoon: 071-5273888
Methods of instruction
Lectures (working Group sessions)
Literature research
Study material
*Farazmand, A. (ed.) (2001), Handbook of Comparative and Development Administration, New York, articles by: W.J. Siffin (p. 1-8); A. Farazmand (9-22); J.E. Jreisat (p. 23-31); G.E. Caiden (p. 665-667); J-C. Garcia-Zamor (711-719); M. Esman (751-759); F.W. Riggs (p. 485-509) *Farazmand, A. (ed.) (1991), Handbook of Comparative and Development Administration, New York, article by: R. Baker (p. 353-363). *Handelman, H. (2006), The Challenge of Third World Development, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 4th edition. *Migdal, J.S. (2001), State in Society: Studying how States and Societies Transform and constitute each other, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
All books are available in the faculty’s library.
Additional reading material:
Will be announced on Blackboard under Course documents
Paper (mandatory for all participants).
Written closed book exam (for those participants who want to get 10 ects).
Course requirements/recommendations
Bachelor 3rd year or equivalent undergraduate level.
Lectures: Wednesday 28/10 – 9/12, exept 11/11; 09/11.
Time: 9-12u
28/10: SB-11
04/11: SB-11
09/11: SB-11
18/11: SA-49
25/11: SA-49
02/12: SA-49
09/12: SB-11
Wednesday 16 december 2009 van 9-12u in room: 1A-20
Tuesday 19 januari 2010 van 9-12u in room: SB-45
This schedule is subject to change.
Latest update: October 30, 2009
Due U-twist
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