Naam: Dr. J. de Kort and prof. V. Halberstadt
Werkadres: Kamerlingh Onnes Gebouw, Steenschuur 25, 2311 ES Leiden, kamer A 2.63
Telefoon: 071 – 527 7831
Bereikbaarheid: Through the secretariat of the Economics unit.
Institute / section
Instituut: Tax Law and Economics
Afdeling: Economics
Kamernummer secretariaat: B207
Openingstijden: Monday to Friday 9.00 – 12.00
Telefoon secretariaat: +31 (0)71 527 7756
Objectives of the course
The course is part of the Minor Economics. In this course, the student will attain knowledge and an understanding on the issues in the field of International Economics. The student will be trained to independently analyse these issues.
Short description of the course
Countries are increasingly eliminating their trade barriers and international trade now truly spans the globe. Products and services come from everywhere and go everywhere. This, as well as the liberalisation of large financial flows, makes countries very dependent on what happens in the international economy. At the end of this course, students will have an understanding of both the basic principles of international trade and finance as well as the recent developments in trade and finance. These will include, among other things, regional and global integration, the consequences of international financial crises on the development of economies, the interaction of economic policies in individual countries and the impact of international institutions, such as the WTO and the IMF, on the processes of globalisation. Students will be able to present simple economic arguments on international economic issues.
The course is aimed at complementing European and International Law courses. These courses focus on the legal aspects of international relations. Developments in the legal field, however, are closely related to the economic developments.
Achievement levels
After successfully completing the course, the student:
understands the important current issues in the field of International Economics
has a command of the core elements in this field of expertise;
is able to collect, interpret and process information in the field of International Economics.
Number of (2 hour) classes: 6
3.Andere onderwijsvorm(en)
Omschrijving: seminar
Aantal à 2 uur: Number of (2 hour) classes: 5
Namen docenten: Dr. J. de Kort and Prof. V. Halberstadt
Vereiste voorbereiding door studenten: Required preparation by students: reading material, assignments. Students are expected to actively engage in discussions with regard to the assignments.
Verplicht studiemateriaal
Literatuur: Dominick Salvatore, Introduction to International Economics, Wiley, 2005.
Werkboek: Contains study information, reading material, a reader’s guide, and the organisation of the course. See Blackboard.
Reader: Reader Trade and Finance in the Global Economy (app. 150 pp.), available from “Onderwijsmaterialen”, KOG, room A.045
Aanbevolen studiemateriaal
Written exam.
Submission procedure
Progression to the written exam is available only for students who have scored a sufficient grade of 5.5 or more on the written assignments and the presentations. The submission process for the assignments is described in the reader.
Written assignments during the course.
Areas to be tested at the exam: The examination syllabus consists of the required reading (literature) for the course, the course information guide, the reader, and the subjects taught during classes and seminars and all other instructions which are part of the course.
Access to the exam is only open to those students who have submitted all the assignments.
N.B.: This course contains a ‘practicum’ (see the Teaching and Exam Regulations).
Via het werkboek en Blackboard.
Via U-twist.
Digitale leeromgeving
This course uses Blackboard (digital learning environment).