This course offers the opportunity to obtain basic insights in the biological processes which are pivotal in the development and manifestation of psychopathology and its possible treatment.
The last decennium has shown a tremendous increase in studies involving (functional) neuro-imaging, molecular biochemistry and genetics. Combined with large scale prospective demographic studies this leads to a further insight in aetiology, course and treatment possibilities of psychopathology.
In short, neuroscience is more and more relevant in obtaining insight in cognitive and psychological processes. This development also raises fundamental philosophical and ethical questions: what is cognition, soma, psyche? Conceptually it challenges basic assumptions about normal and abnormal behaviour, emotions and cognitions. Similarly, the role and impact of biological interventions are becoming more relevant and more an issue of debate with regard to efficacy.
Besides pharmacotherapy, biological interventions may include light therapy, neuro-magnetic stimulation, electroconvulsive therapy and neuro-vagal stimulation.
At the end of the course, we expect the participating student to have some insight and knowledge about the possibilities and limitations of the role of biological factors in the development and treatment of patients with psychopathology.
P.M.J. Haffmans:
Sectie Klinische, Gezondheids- en Neuropsychologie
Telefoon: +31 (0)71 527 3377
E-mailadres: j.haffmans@psyq.nlE. Hoencamp:
Sectie Klinische, Gezondheids- en Neuropsychologie
Kamer: 2B51
Telefoon: +31 (0)71 527 3377
Andreasen, Nancy, Brave New Brain, Oxford University Press. (chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 12)
Patterson, JoEllen et al., The Therapist’s Guide to Psychopharmacology, New York, London; The Guilford Press. 2006 (Chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, appendix B)
50 yes/no questions and five short essay questions involving the literature below as well as slides used in the six presentations.
From January 1, 2006 the Faculty of Social Sciences has instituted the Ephorus system to be used by instructors for the systematic detection of plagiarism in students’ written work. Please see the Additional Rules and Regulations, section 6.
Entrance requirement
Bachelor course Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology or similar course.
Six two-hour lectures.
Lecture 1 – 2 September 2009, EH
Basic aspects of the relationship between psychopathology and biology.
Developmental psychopathology, the impact of time on the development of psychopathology .What are premorbid, prodromal , manifest symptoms of later psychopathology ?
Literature: Andreasen; chapter 1,2,3,7.Lecture 2 – 9 September 2009, EH
Brain structure, brain function, brain plasticity and the development of psychopathology. What is neuro-imaging?
Basic principles of neurotransmission and neuromodulation.
Literature: Andreasen; chapter 4,5,6.Lecture 3: 16 September 2009, EH
Genetics and the concept of “gene environment interaction”.
The example of depressive illness as a whole body disease.
Literature: Andreasen; chapter 5Lecture 4: 23 September 2009, PH
Basic aspects of psychopharmacology, what are pharmaco-dynamics and pharmaco-kinetics?
How does medication affect neurotransmission and neuromodulation?
What are effects and side effects?
Literature: Patterson; chapter 1,2Lecture 5: 30 September 2009, PH
Biological interventions with an emphasis on psychopharmacology. What types of psychopharmacologic agents are available? Antipsychotics, antidepressants, mood stabilisers, anxiolytics.
Literature: Patterson; chapter 3,4,5,6,7Lecture 6: 14 October 2009, EH & PH.
Why are there differences between man and woman and other current controversies in clinical psychopharmacology.
Round up, questions and answers .
Literature: Andreasen; chapter 12 & Patterson; chapter 8
Enrolment for courses of the first semester will take place from July 1th 2009 10hr, until 21th August 10hr, via U-TWIST. Enrolment for courses of the second semester will take place in January 2010.
NB: Exam and re-exam registration will take place via U-Twist, and will be open between a month and a week before the (re)exam. Students who haven’t registered, cannot participate in the (re)exam.
Electives students
You have to enroll for each course separately. Read more on the electives (in Dutch)
Information on Blackboard available