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Urbanisation and State Formation in the Ancient Near East


Admission requirements: BA in Archaeology

SAP and exchange students: admission after approval by the Graduate School
Basic knowledge of Western Asiatic Archaeology


It is in the Ancient Near East that complex society first rears its head. Its development begins in prehistory, and archaeology is the only discipline to help us plot it. Until the advent of written sources (ca. 3400 BC) when we know that society was segmented both vertically and horizontally, the development from roving bands through hamlets and villages to towns and major cities to city-states and nation states was not linear. Various pertinent theories will be treated during the course, and many examples of the various stages will eventually enable the students to form (and write down!) their own opinion concerning this fascinating subject.

Learning objectives

  • The student has detailed knowledge of the various theories concerning early complex society, based on close affinity with the pertinent archaeological material

  • is well-versed in the current theoretical and practical literature on the subject

  • can critically judge this literature

  • is able to set out independent lines of research for further work in this subject

  • can demonstrate these acquired skills through writing an essay on the subject

Instruction method

After introductory lectures, individual tasks will be assigned involving reading and at least one class-presentation with discussion, followed by handing in the resulting sizeable written version of that presentation.


Participation in class; presentation; discussion of assigned literature; essay


To be assigned at the start of the course