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Greek Sculpture in Context


Admission Requirements:

MA registration


This course will present the student with the available evidence for the development of Greek architectural and freestanding sculpture from Archaic to Hellenistic times. Modes of analysis will be taught and will lead into the insights obtained from such art for contemporary social and economic structures as well as then mindworld of contemporary artists and viewers.

Educational Aims:

The student will learn how to undertake formal analysis of a Classical art form, as well as to compare and contrast archaeological and iconographic sources in order to gain insights into social and economic structures and political developments.

Method of Instruction:

Lecture course

Examination Form:

Students will submit two essays of minimum 3000 words.

Basic Reading List:

Fullerton, M. D. (2000). Greek Art. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Hurwit, J. M. (1999). The Athenian Acropolis. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Spivey, N. (1997). Greek Art. London, Phaidon Press.
Stewart, A. (1997). Art, Desire and the Body in Ancient Greece. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.