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Demotic papyrology


Introduction to the Demotic script and language by means of reading copies of original papyri, ostraca and inscriptions.
Survey of the main genres of Demotic texts and standard text editing procedures through additional reading of text publications in translation.
Illustration of the use of Demotic texts to address broader issues in their historical and cultural contexts.


*For the most recent update of the timetable click here

Method of Instruction

Literature seminar.

Course objectives

  • Familiarity with the Demotic script and the genres of Demotic texts.

  • Ability to identify philological issues presented by Demotic texts, and to evaluate the discussions of these issues in text publications.

  • Ability to place Demotic texts in a broader historical and cultural contexts, and to evaluate their use in discussions of these contexts.

Required reading

To be announced during the first class meeting.


Contact the lecturer Dr B. P. Muhs


Not applicable.


The programme will be discussed during the first class meeting.


Registration for this course via U-twist

For more information also see the website of the Papyrological Institute.