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Armed Forces and Society


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The aim of this course is to provide students with a broad understanding of central issues concerning armed forces and society.

Ever since the end of the Cold War, the world has witnessed an array of military missions, ranging from the first Gulf War and the half-hearted interventions in Africa and the Balkans, to recent and ongoing endeavours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Against this background this course addresses the interplay of armed forces and society. We take a close look at the roles and narratives of crucial stakeholders: public opinion, media, military professionals and politicians. We ask ourselves whether societies differ in their preoccupation with risks and casualties. Is there a gap between the U.S. and European countries when it comes to legitimizing the deployment of armed forces? How do other countries fit in, Japan for instance, Israel in particular? What about the relevance of cultural diversities? Does gender matter? Questions like these will be taken up in a general context of social change. We will try to formulate answers which are as theoretically grounded and as empirically solid as the literature permits.

Methods of Instruction

Lectures, discussion of assigned readings

Study material

Literature (approx. 600 pages):

  • Martin Shaw (2005), The New Western Way of War, Polity Press (paperback)

  • Murray Goot (2004), ‘Introduction: World Opinion Surveys and the War in Iraq’, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 16, 3, 239-268. (download via e-journals)

  • Jan van der Meulen and Hitoshi Kawano (2008), Accidental Neighbours: Japanese and Dutch troops in Iraq, in Joseph Soeters and Philippe Manigart (eds.), Military Cooperation in Multinational Peace Operations, London: Routledge, 166 – 179. (available on blackboard)

  • Udi Lebel (2007), Civil Society versus Military Sovereignty: Cultural, Political, and Operational Aspects, Armed Forces & Society, 34, 67-89. (download via e-journals)

Further selection of articles, chapters and reports.


Written examination

Exam: Wednesday December 16 2009, 13.00-16.00 p.m., SA41
Retake: Wednesday January 20 2010, 13.00-16.00 p.m., 1A09


Friday 30 October, 13.00-15.00 uur, Parterrezaal and
Monday 2 November till 7 December, 13.00-15.00 uur , Parterrezaal

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