The great majority of African languages are tone languages. These languages show a great variety as to the number of tone levels, their functional load in the lexicon as well as the grammar, and the different types of tone rules that operate in them. In the last few decades, African tone systems have been studied intensively, which has influenced phonological analysis and theory considerably; our knowledge of African languages has deepened as a consequence. The aim of the seminar is to provide the students with a broad background to different aspects of African tone systems under the main headings of 1. Typology of African tone systems, 2. Methodology for analysing a tone language, 3. Theoretical aspects of tone analysis. Students have to read articles and write an essay.
Thursday, 9-11h
Method of Instruction
Course objectives
Insight into the typology and analysis of tone in African languages.
Required reading
to be specified during the course
with the teacher: