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Prehistory: Tutorial and current issues First Year - Part Two


You are obliged to attend all blocks in which this course is given in order to obtain the ECTS.

You will find the ECTS for this course at the course description of – Part Two.

Every fortnight members of staff, RMA and PhD-students discuss current issues in Prehistoric Archaeology and related disciplines. These issues are derived from ongoing research projects and are brought in by students, members of staff or guest speakers. Presentations that members of staff, PhD or RMA-students present in conferences are tried out and discussed in this class.

In some semesters books are read discussed, e.g. M. Helms: Access to Origins (1998). Also the research designs for the theses are discussed regularly.

Learning objectives

  • Knowledge of and insight in current research and debates in Prehistoric Archaeology and related disciplines

  • Critical assessment of current research with respect to applicability and background

  • Voice one’s well-argumented opinion on these topics

  • Insight in the applicability of theoretical model on data

  • Critical review of one‘s own research and that of fellow students in a constructive manner

Conference attendance

  • In the course of the two years of study, students will visit several (international) conferences.

  • In their second year students are instructed how to present their own research for an international audience. The conferences are evaluated in papers and discussed during tutorials.