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Decision Making and Rational Choice


Decision Making and Rational Choice

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the rational choice approach to understanding collective decision making. Rational choice theory is based on a simple set of assumptions and an analytical method that, when applied rigorously, has produced revolutionary insights about public life and has changed the way we think about collective action, political and economic institutions, policy making and international relations. The course will present the basics of rational choice theory and some if its applications for the analysis of voting, co-operation, and institutional design and effects. Students will learn the necessary skills to apply the theory in their own research.

Dr. D. Toshkov

Method of instruction

Study material:

  1. Shepsle, Kenneth A. and Mark S. Bonchek (1997) Analyzing Politics: Rationality, Behavior, and Institutions. New York and London: W.W. Norton & Company.

Weekly assignments and a final paper

Lectures: Wednesday 31/3 – 19/5 (except 5/5) from 11-13hrs in room: SA-41

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