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Visual Methods


Course description

This course (formerly known as “Introductory Course in Visual Ethnography”) provides a general theoretical introduction to visual methods, as well as hands on training regarding the anthropological use of video. Students are introduced to the ways in which video recordings can be used in anthropological research. They are also familiarized with the ways in which ethnographic films are made.


Drs. Metje Postma, Pieter de la Bourt Building, room nr: 3A31,

Methods of Instruction

  • lectures

  • tutorials

  • short video film 8 minutes = 104 sbu

  • written assignment

  • literature
    TOTAL: 280 sbu ( 10 ECTS)


To be announced



  • written exam about the lectures and the literature (25 % of the final grade)

  • ethnographic film (50 %), accompanied by a short paper (25 %).

Presence and participation in lectures and tutorials is obligatory!


Wednesdays and Fridays 16 September – 4 December 2009, 14-17 h
Location: Filmzaal, Pieter de la Courtgebouw


A maximum of twenty four (24) students can be admitted to “Visual Methods”.
Financial contribution per student: € 50.=, to be paid during the first week of the course.


  • International exchange students:
    For application please follow regular procedure through International Office, or contact the departmental coordinator N. Osterhaus-Simic.

  • BA studenten ingeschreven aan het Instituut Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie aan de Universiteit Leiden:
    Inschrijving mogelijk van 1 juli t/m 25 augustus 2009 via het secretariaat CA-OS, kamer 3A19, tel. 5273469, e-mail:

  • Studenten die culturele antropologie studeren aan een andere Nederlandse universiteiten kunnen zich ook aanmelden via het Secretariaat CA-OS (zie boven), maar worden geplaatst alleen als er voldoende plaats is. Plaatsing geschiedt in dat geval op volgorde van aanmelding. Na 25 augustus 2009 krijgen alle aangemelde gaststudenten een plaatsingsbericht.