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Italiano: Masterthesis/Tesi


Admission Requirements

Students can only start with writing their thesis when they have 30 credits.


A thesis is an academic essay, written by the student in consultation with a supervisor. The thesis must show that the student is capable of analysing existing literature in a critical manner, and of conducting independent research. Moreover, this process must be recorded in an academically sound report.

Choosing a Topic

Generally speaking, students are encouraged to select the topic of their thesis themselves, based on a Master’s course that they followed. Another way of finding a topic is to consult the thesis archive of the department. In most cases, the supervisor of the thesis will be the lecturer responsible for the Master’s course which inspired the thesis. In case of doubt, students can always consult the director of studies.
Students should approach the relevant lecturer and discuss with him/her the chosen topic and potential research question. The supervisor, also known as ‘first reader’, will undoubtedly be able to point to relevant secondary literature. A second reader is chosen by the supervisor.
At the heart of a Master’s thesis lies a research question, together with the answer to that question. Before a research question can be formulated, the student first has to do some preparatory reading.

Students should start out by formulating a clear plan for the structure of the thesis, in consultation with their supervisor. Only then can they begin writing. Questions of style will only become relevant at a later stage.

Handing in a first part

The first chapter is handed in to the supervisor and discussed. It is not advisable to hand in the entire thesis in one piece.

Handing in the final version

Once the entire thesis is completed, the student should hand in two copies, one to each reader.


In assessing the quality of the thesis, the following aspects play an important role:

  • Formulating and analysing the research question;

  • Structure of the thesis;

  • Integration of secondary literature into the argument;

  • Good argumentation of student’s own arguments;

  • Style, use of language and lay-out;

Mode of instruction


Assessment method

Thesis of approximately 20.000 words.


Reading list


Contact information